Hi All,

Currently the FasTree when a addSelectionHandler is added is  only
executed when a FastTreeItem is selected, if the user clicks again in
a already selected item it will not be triggered again.

      In my app i use the tree to open tabs or dialogs , so sometimes
the user closes the tab or window and click again in the already
selected item so i need the action to be reexecuted.

    The logic that causes this behavior is the following method in the

  private void onSelection(FastTreeItem item, boolean fireEvents,
      boolean moveFocus, Element targetElem) {
    // 'root' isn't a real item, so don't let it be selected
    // (some cases in the keyboard handler will try to do this)
    if (item == getTreeRoot()) {

    // Don't fire events if the selection hasn't changed, but do move
    // focusable element to the new target.
    if (curSelection == item) {
      moveFocusable(curSelection, targetElem);

What I use to do to overcome this was to override the method  to make
it execute the action even if the item was already selected, but in
the lastest version of the incubator this method is now private so I
can't override it my only option is to build my own jar of the
incubator with the method changed to protected.

So my request is, could you guys make the addSelectionHandler be
executed even if the item is already selected? I personaly think it
should be that way but I guess you guys had your reasons to make it
the way it is, in that case maybe add another method like a
addItemClickHandler that will behave this way?



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