Hello GWT Devs, thanks for the great library!

I noticed that the hosted mode in the trunk allows the user to specify
the "war" directory in which a directory with the module name will be
created and the JavaScript files will be generated, but I found no way
to explicitly set which exact directory these files will go into, I
must respect this module name nomenclature on the directory . Is there
a special reason to not allow the user explicitly set where the files
will be kept during the hosted mode execution?

I find it extremely convenient to separate my GWT apps into 3
projects, separating the client from the server using the hosted mode
with the -noserver option. T he setup is:

project-client - where all the GWT Widgets and related classes go
project-rpc - where all the Serializable classes used in the RPC
plumbing go
project-server - dynamic web project in eclipse with embedded tomcat
where I keep all my server side classes

project-client sees project-rpc but not project-server
project-server sees project-rpc but not project-client
project-rpc sees neither

I find the trouble of separating the app this way pays off because:
1) I don't risk mixing server classes between the client and the
server as the projects client and project don't see each other. I know
this is a lame mistake, but used to happen in my early days of GWT

2) I can modify server side classes without having to restart the
hosted mode and benefit from hot code replace and modify the interface
without having to restart the Servlet container

The down side is that I need to compile the Java client code which is
in project-client into JavaScript and put it in the WebContent/
directory of the project-server, I have been told that I don't need
the javascript in the server to be completely synchronized with the
counterpart code which runs in the server mode, but it does mean that
I have the compile the client code twice, once to put it on the
server, and a second time when I start the hosted mode.

Although this is automated with eclipse custom builders, it would be
_really_ great if I could set the target directory of the generated
JavaScript in hosted mode to the project-server/WebContent directory,
and not be stuck with using the module name directory. If you can
specify the "war" directory, shouldn't we be able to specify a custom
directory path which these generated files go? Or are there any
constraints which does not allow to do so?

Alexandre Pretyman


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