
I would like to know whtat the current status is of "incoparating more
basis interface in GWT"?

We talked about this a long time ago, but there more important issues

I still keep on bouncing my head against these kind of interface
Below another example, which I hope would give some more priority to
the issue:

I need a general TextWidget that "extends/implements" from Widget and
implements HasText, HasHtml.

I thought I could easily solve this with Generics... Not.. really (see

I want to return a Widget as result of a method that creates a Widget
that implements HasHtml/HasText.
I tried something like this:
 <W extends Widget & HasText & HasHTML> CmsFormatResultText<W>  create
(String item);

But calling this method isn't possible as the compiler complaints that
Widget isn't a valid substitute.

Body example:
 return new HTML("aaa");
Which isn't correct as the compiler also complaints  about not able to
convert HTML to W...

To solve this, I think I need a basis Widget interface instead of a
Widget class.

Please some feedback/advice on this.

-- Ed


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