I'll see if I can whittle things down to a manageable sample app.

On Apr 8, 8:01 am, Lex Spoon <sp...@google.com> wrote:
> Hey, Jay,
> I haven't replicated the problem using your example, but I think I see the
> bug anyway.  There is an optimization to simplify at compile time
> expressions like 2004318071+'', and it is converting the number part to a
> string using the equivalent of Double.toString.  That is where the
> scientific notation comes from.  However, a real JSVM apparently has a
> different algorithm for turning a number into a string.
> I'll work on the JsStaticEval bug.  Here's an issue for it:
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=4830
> Jay, if you can minimize the problem down to something I can replicate, I
> can test that it is in fact the problem you are seeing.  Alternatively, have
> you ever built and used GWT from trunk?  IF so, you could verify the fix
> once it's committed.
> -Lex


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