Good point, added as issue 3234.

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 3:40 AM, Andy Moorley <>wrote:

> Hi there
> Been struggling a bit with some of the effects of the GWT style sheets
> in an attempt to get round IE6 alpha transparancy.
> In the top of standard.css ( there
> is the lines
> * In order to maintain cross-browser compatibility, the following
> syntax is
>  * used to create IE6 specific style rules:
>  *    html>body .gwt-Widget {
>  *      Rule applies to all browsers (including IE7), except IE6
>  *    }
>  *    * html .gwt-Widget {
>  *      Rule applied to IE6 only (not to IE7)
>  *    }
>  *
> And in various places it then uses this Holly hack to apply the MS
> AlphaTransparency DX fix..
> * html .gwt-MenuBarPopup .menuPopupBottomCenter {
>  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='gwt/
> standard/images/ie6/hborder_gray_shadow.png',sizingMethod='scale');
> }
> The trouble is that IE7 ONLY ignore the Holly hack when in standards
> mode - but as we know, at present the recommend (and to be honest only
> real way) of using GWT is in quirks mode - so the IE6 "only" fix is
> being picked up by IE7.
> I therefore think if quicks mode is to be "preferred" approach for
> next few releases, this CSS should probably use a different way to
> identify IE6 only.
> Thanks
> Andy
> >

"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
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