I don't know whether TimePicker is going to be reworked into gen2 as
well as DatePicker, but I've found a bug in the current incubator
version of TimePicker. It's in the ValueSpinner constructor. It adds a
text box, then sets the vertical alignment for the ValueSpinner, then
adds the spinner. On IE this displays normally, but on chrome and
firefox the text box vertical alignment is inconsistent with the rest of
the line.

The solution is to move the call to
"setVerticalAlignment(ALIGN_MIDDLE);" to be before the text box is added
(just swap lines 157 & 158)

I also had problems with ValueSpinner's use of
StyleInjector.injectStylesheet() on IE. This is deprecated anyway, so I
presume any reworking would replace this. I removed StyleInjector from
my copy of ValueSpiiner.



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