Revision: 9766
Date: Thu Feb 24 13:59:13 2011
Log: Edited wiki page CellBackedWIdgets through web user interface.


--- /wiki/        Thu Feb 24 13:46:49 2011
+++ /wiki/        Thu Feb 24 13:59:13 2011
@@ -153,10 +153,50 @@

-By overriding the deferred binding rule, a user can reskin a Cell for an entire application. Alternatively, third party libraries can provide skins for multiple widgets, which would be applied by inheriting a single Module containing a bunch of deferred binding overrides. +By overriding the deferred binding rule, a user can reskin a Cell for an entire application. Alternatively, third party libraries can provide skins for multiple widgets, which would be applied by inheriting a single Module containing a bunch of deferred binding overrides. This also allows the GWT team to replace Appearances with more modern ones from time to time without breaking applications.

Finally, note that Appearance is an abstract class. This allows us to add more state logic in the future without breaking existing Appearances. For example, we could add new methods "setRightFlush()" and "setLeftFlush()" which would make the right and left edges of the button flat, such that they could be lined up next to each other. Existing appearances may not support the new feature, but they would still work.

 = Cell Backed Widgets =
+Every Cell will have an equivalent Widget, which is backed by the Cell and shares all of the logic. We will use the existing {{{CellWidget}}} class to wrap the widget:
+public class ButtonWidget extends CellWidget<String> {
+  public ButtonWidget() {
+    this(new ButtonCell());
+  }
+  public ButtonWidget(ButtonCell.Appearance appearance) {
+    this(new ButtonCell(appearance));
+  }
+  public ButtonWidget(ButtonCell.DefaultAppearance.Resources resources) {
+    this(new ButtonCell(resources));
+  }
+  public ButtonWidget(ButtonCell cell) {
+    super(cell);
+  }
+  public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex) {
+    getCell().setTabIndex(tabIndex);
+  }
+  protected ButtonCell getButtonCell() {
+    return (ButtonCell) getCell();
+  }
+ButtonWidget provides convenience constructors to specify the {{{ButtonCell.Appearance}}} or {{{ButtonCell.DefaultAppearance.Resources}}}. ButtonWidget inherits {{{addValueChangeHandler()}}} from CellWidget, but users can add additional event handlers just as they would with any other widget.
+Some Cells support methods to change how the Cell is rendered. For example, ButtonCell could provide a setTabIndex() method to set the tab index of the element. ButtonWidget would expose the same methods and forward through to the Cell.
+= Conclusion =
+The new pattern described above will allow us to update widgets by providing new Appearances to replace old Appearances. We will start with the basic form widgets (buttons, text boxes, etc.) and move on to more complex widgets over time.


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