There have been a few suggestions of making a release in the near future, 
and it seemed like it might be a good idea to summarize pending 
development, ask for help to land these, and see if anything else needs to 
be addressed before shipping.

   - There is a pending branch (not yet a PR for GWT itself) working on 
   adding a new gwt-servlet-jakarta.jar and requestfactory-server-jakarta.jar 
   as part of There is no plan 
   at this time to update the DevMode server to Jakarta, though that will 
   eventually be inevitable if we move to a newer version of Jetty. Work on 
   this can be found at
   - There is a pending fix for eliminating a false positive from using 
   some internals of protobuf to deobfuscate client side exceptions This is probably safe to land 
   without more testing, but none of the reporters of this bug have verified 
   the fix.
   - There's a pending fix for a bug in type unions, which can be caused by 
   some ternary expressions and var type declarations A review found a few 
   oversights in testing, and I'd appreciate another look.
   - There's a pending fix for a bug where debugging in firefox when 
   assertions are enabled (for example in SDM). It turns out the bug can 
   happen in other cases too in more subtle ways. A draft fix it at
   - GWT itself can now be built on Java 11, but not yet 17. There are a 
   few changes pending that will permit this. Additionally, this will enable 
   adding more Java 9-11 JRE emulation, see the list at

Finally, we have an open question about future Java 8 support. Beyond this 
release, we likely will no longer support running the compiler in Java 8, 
which will enable adding support for Java 12-17 language features. We can 
likely still build jars that will run on a Java 8 server, but just can't 
compile newer JS. To that end, this 2.11 release branch may be longer-lived 
than usual, depending on feedback and support to continue bugfix releases 
after 2.12 eventually ships.

Are there other changes that 2.11 should included, or other considerations 
for this release cycle?

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