JAKARTA (AFP) – Chain-smoking at a trendy coffee shop while studiously
ignoring the mosque's evening call to prayer, Indonesian atheists Didi
and Dewi have little patience for the beliefs of most of their countrymen.

The two young women are defiant unbelievers in the world's largest
Muslim-majority country, but they let few people in the real world
know it.

Instead, the women have joined scores of young Indonesian atheists who
have found refuge on the Internet, using web tools such as social
networking sites, mailing lists, blogs and wikis to communicate with
like-minded people in a country where declaring there is no God can
turn someone into an outcast.

"For me personally (going online) is just to share my thoughts and to
meet people who think the same way I do, because I don't see many in
my real life," said Didi, a 29-year-old architect.

"It's easier to say that you're gay than an atheist."

Dewi, a 21-year-old student fond of sardonic put-downs of religion and
superstition, agreed. In her life in the West Java city of Bandung,
she keeps her lack of belief secret from all but her closest friends.

"If someone asks me 'do you want to pray?', then I pray. It's a
political prayer," she said.

Both women, who refused to give their real names, go online daily to
debate religion with fellow atheists -- and the few believers hardy
enough to brave their barbs -- from safely behind their computer screens.

Asked what she would be without the Internet, Didi laughed: "I would
be a full-closet atheist."

It is impossible to know how many atheists there are in Indonesia, a
country of 234 million people that is nearly 90 percent Muslim, and
where non-believers officially don't exist.

Every Indonesian must carry an identity card stating his or her
adherence to one of six official religions -- Protestantism,
Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism or Confucianism -- and belief
in "one God" is the first tenet of the official national ideology of

The deaths of upwards of half a million people during the bloody
suppression of the Indonesian Communist Party in the lead-up to the
1966 rise to power of former dictator Suharto have also left their mark.

Anti-communist propaganda during Suharto's 32-year rule mean atheists
are often conflated with communists, a stinging charge in Indonesia,
where Cold War paranoia has never fully subsided.

It was such a stigma that prompted a 35-year-old teacher from West
Sumatra, known online as "XYZMan," to start an email mailing list in
2004 to allow atheists to discuss their beliefs. The list now has more
than 350 members.

Despite the success of the mailing list, XYZMan said he is forced to
keep his own atheism secret in the real world, and has already
suffered the breakdown of a marriage with a Muslim woman due to his

"If everyone knew that I'm an atheist, I could lose my job, my family
would hate me and also some friends," he said in an email interview.

"It's also more likely that I could be physically attacked or killed
because I'm a kafir (unbeliever) and my blood is halal (allowed to be
spilled) according to Islam."

Although small in number, Indonesia's online atheists have been quick
adopters of the so-called "Web 2.0" innovations of blogs, wikis and
social networking sites.

"We use every means possible (Facebook, Friendster, Multiply etc.) to
show our existence, gather people," Karl Karnadi, a 25-year-old
Indonesian student studying in Germany who is behind many of the web
projects, said in a Facebook message to AFP.

Apart from connecting atheists, the web presence also serves to break
the language barrier that leaves Indonesians unaware of prominent
English-language atheist authors such as Richard Dawkins and
Christopher Hitchens, Karnadi said.

The Ateis Indonesia (Indonesian Atheist) wiki -- where, like
Wikipedia, users collectively contribute and edit content -- carries
Indonesian-language articles on topics varying from evolution to
arguments for and against religion and "deconversion" testimonials by
fellow Indonesians.

"The wiki is some sort of collective knowledge, something that we
(hopefully) can use each time we are discussing religion, debating
creationists," Karnadi said.

The web presence also acts as a kind of support service. The Facebook
group also has discussions on how to broach the subject of religion
with friends and family, with most members confessing they think it
wisest to keep "wearing a mask".

Karnadi, a former church pianist who recently turned his back on
Christianity, said the eventual goal was to create a central website
to coordinate atheists and reach out to Indonesians who have doubts
about their religion.

It is a task that he conceded is much easier to do from abroad.

"I have my freedom here... and I can do anything, (create an atheist
website, groups, criticise religion etc.) openly, without being afraid
of any jail sentence or any fundies (fundamentalists) that would kill
me," he said

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