Hi Justin,

I'm carbon copying your message to the discussion list
for mail-archive ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), because it is relevent.

I just took a look at the incoming message queue and it seems to be
holding around about 20,000 messages. Because we don't process things
in order under high load I can totally imagine some lists having a
multiday backlog.  I did see the "welcome to webmake-talk" message in
the queue, so you should be all set once it gets processed. In the
mean time all I can suggest is bearing with the delay.

I guess it is about time for me to look at performance again.



Full_Name: Justin Mason
Submission from: (NULL) (

Hi there,

I've just been trying to add my list,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [*], to the archives,
but there's no sign on the archive@jab.org archival
page of the (1) conventional subscribe
confirmation message, or (2) the direct subscription
message (I added the address directly after there
was no sign of the first mail).

I've just checked the dates on the mails currently
there, and they're from Thursday -- today's Saturday,
so it's 2 days behind?!

Just FYI.  If you can clear the backlog somehow,
that'd be great. Otherwise I'll just hang about
and hit "reload" every day or so ;)

cheers, and thanks for providing such a handy
service for us all.

[*: BTW, yes, it's also archived at geocrawler, as
the sourceforge lists are by default -- but geocrawler
are having some __severe__ problems at the moment.]


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