1) Disk is running thin

I had some time to look at disk space. The big RAID was at 82%
capacity. I did some "fossilizing" compression of inactive lists,
bringing us down to 76%. Probably six months of room left or less,
and gigantic cheap IDE RAIDS are still nowhere in sight. I'll think 
about this again when it hits 85%+.

2) Message count affected

The message count is just an estimate tied to df (it's too expensive
to count the millions of messages daily) so this number artificially
got chopped during the compression. I'd guesstimate we're somewhere
around 6 million, but I'm not going to bother adjusting the estimator.

3) RAM, kernel upgrade successful

The GB of RAM is in place and caching away. The simultaneous upgrade
to 2.2.17 kernel went off without a hitch. No other upgrades seem
around the corner. MHonArc's point release doesn't have anything I
desperately need, htdig is still a while away from a stable release.
Debian Potato seems to be holding it's own with the auto-security
updates. The machine's move to a new physical location seemed to go
well, someday I should figure out exactly where that new location
is. :)

4) RBL plans scrapped

I set Exim to use the RBL to tag spam with a special header.  The
results just weren't good enough to use as a filter.

5) Egroups ban considered

Probably 75% of my problems (complaints, abuse, etc.) stems from
Egroups one way or another. It's partly due to Egroups not being 100%
clueful, but mostly due to the userbase Egroups attracts. I wonder if
bouncing all mail coming from that domain would make my life easier
and simultaneously save not-trivial amounts of disk space.

6) Attachments ban or limitation considered

I'm going to punt the decision on attachments a while longer.  Getting
rid of .vbs .jpg and .exe eliminate several categories of problems.
Maybe a smarter move is to put a size limit on attachments, something
anemic like 20k.

7) Spambot activity probably rising

I don't have direct evidence here, but I suspect spambots are trying
harder to scour mail-archive. Don't know how successful
countermeasures are holding. My personal, unprotected inbox is getting
something like 4 spams a day.

8) Web traffic rising and mostly robotic

The last two weeks averaged something like 10 page views per unique
host (for 2+GB/day of data transmitted over http) with Google and
AltaVista crawlers being top hogs. I bet the majority of page requests
on the internet today are not at the behest of humans -- that
certainly seems to be mail-archive's case. Of coure, there are still
quite a few humans using the service.

9) Excellent performance

Mail is being archived within an hour on average. The holiday light
traffic helps, but we're in better shape performance wise than we have
been in years. I remember last year at this time, things were much more
touch and go.

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