Season's greetings.

Thank you all for sticking with The Mail Archive as we close out the
decade. Here's a quick rundown of the trials, tribulations, and
triumphs over the past year.

First, let's talk about infrastructure. Our uptime was 99.57% which is
similar to previous years. This year's main problem turned out to be
the 10K searches per day; sometimes these would clump together and
overload computers. Took a while to figure out, and was addressed in
November with significant algorithm changes plus moving all search
data to solid state storage. In 2010 we continued the longstanding
trend of no data loss. Pages continue to serve from rotating rust,
specifically traditional disk drives with 8X data redundancy to help
minimize latency. I don't know how much to trust third party
statistics, but Alexa claims we are faster than 95% of the world's web
sites. The corpus grew by 25% this year; not bad for a data set
started last millennium. And somebody finally used that nifty "embed an
archival link in the message" feature, working out a lot of kinks in
the process.

For a system designed to run entirely on autopilot, there's a lot of
day to day upkeep. Our indefatigable support team responded to almost
600 inquiries during 2010. Wait, who am I kidding? Some of these were
exhausting. There have been interoperability challenges with a
couple of list service providers. YahooGroups has been particularly evil,
they managed to break interoperability with The Mail Archive and we're
still not sure if it was deliberate or incompetence. If your list is
affected, consider changing service providers or contact our support
team for the current workaround.

What else? If you enjoyed the multiweek advertisement holiday in
November, sorry that's history. We provided a form based interface for
advanced search (but I'm sure you all use the advanced command syntax)
including sort by date. Total donation dollars remained on par with
previous years, but concentrated on better support for fewer
entities. None of them computer related for a change. And in personal
news, I've found that wearing an extra ring on my hand doesn't slow
down typing speed at all. But it very happily means a little more time
away from the keyboard.

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