FW: Record Linkage/ Datavant work estimation

2020-02-11 Thread Mandhadi, Vasanthi (Medical Research Office)
Hi All,

At MU, we are trying to estimate work effort needed for Datavant record linkage 
process and would like to know the following from other sites. Thank you.

  1.  How much work effort are other sites estimating for
 *   Initial installation of Datavant software
 *   Hash tokens creation and populating in CDM table

Dan, Can you please add this to today's meeting agenda.

Thank you,
Vasanthi Mandhadi
Sr. Research Design Engineer
University of Missouri School of Medicine
(573) 882-6273

Gpc-dev mailing list

gpc-dev 11 Feb agenda and meeting notes

2020-02-11 Thread Dan Connolly
oops! I neglected to send this yesterday... What else for today's meeting?

MU is scheduled to scribe

  1.  Convene, take roll, review records and plan next meeting(s)

 *   11:00 a.m. Central Time.
​Meeting ID and access code: 
817-393-381; call +1 
(571) 317-3131

 *   Roll; Reminder - put site after your name in 
GoToMeeting preferences
GPC DevTeams 
represented? KUMC, UIOWA, MCW, MCRI,  UNMC, UTHSCSA, UTSW, MU, IndianaU, Utah, 
Allina, Intermountain

*   Today's scribe: UTHSCSA

 *   Comments on the agenda? (ref 
 On last week’s 
Recent tickets 
opened/closed - FYI 
(i.e. not intended for discussion)

*   None this week

 *   Next meeting(s): Feb 18; scribe: IU?, Utah?

*   Note scribe 

  2.  PCORNet CDM c7r2 refresh
EDC reports: collection, publication 

 *   Sravani will be reaching out for that.
Cycle 7 Refresh 2 EDC Reports 


 *   #713 NextD 
data refresh

*   Received by 23 Dec: UIOWA, MCW, IU, KUMC, UTSW, MU

*   MU - SES table - less than 5% of patients from Table 1 was geocoded

*   Alona: We are asking each site how they map when a person goes to 
ED and ends up in IP.

   *   KUMC 4. one EI encounter

   *   UIOWA 4. one EI encounter

   *   IU

   *   MCW 3. one IP encounter

   *   UTSW

   *   MU

   *   UNMC

*   Alona: KUMC please follow up with me and let me know where the file 
you uploaded on your site is. Dan C. I can do that

*   Marshal MU; Saw and am working on them.

*   Indiana: Jarrah- I will send you available dates and times. Need to 
get with the analyst that pulled the data.


 *   #755 (GROUSE Refresh 2019 - 
IHC) ETA  file 
transfer request sent Jan 31

 *   #731 
GROUSE Refresh 2019 - 
KUMC - ETA: Jan 31

 *   #751 
GROUSE Refresh 2019 - 
Indiana - ETA Feb 14

*   A few exported tables contained PHI and will need to be 
re-exported. Requests for export have been submitted as of 2/3/2020.


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