Hi Paul,
> We are moving from our v4 SCALE install to a 5.0.5 SCALE install.
> We make extensive use of the ‘force user’ parameter in our cross
> protocol shares.
> I have just been informed, that although we can set the parameter
> using ‘net conf’ it isn’t implemented in the current version of
> Samba in v5.0.5 of SCALE.
This config option is not tested and not supported as part of Spectrum
Scale. Only SMB/Samba config parameters that are accessible through
the GUI or mmsmb CLI are officially supported. If you have a usecase
requiring support for additional Samba parameters, the proper way to
request support is through a RFE.
That said, i do not see why the Samba behavior would change here from
v4 to v5. If you want to debug this, i would suggest to recreate the
problem with this parameter in place while capturing a SMB trace
(mmprotocoltrace start smb). The SMB trace should then have sufficient
information to determine why the owner of the file is not as expected.
Christof Schmitt
Software Engineer
IBM Systems, Spectrum Scale Development
+1 520 799 2469
@chsc Twitter
----- Original message -----
From: "Paul Ward" <p.w...@nhm.ac.uk>
Sent by: gpfsug-discuss-boun...@spectrumscale.org
To: "gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org" <gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [gpfsug-discuss] 'force user' samba parameter not implemented
Date: Tue, Aug 24, 2021 3:04 AM



We are moving from our v4 SCALE install to a 5.0.5 SCALE install.

We make extensive use of the ‘force user’ parameter in our cross protocol shares.

I have just been informed, that although we can set the parameter using ‘net conf’ it isn’t implemented in the current version of Samba in v5.0.5 of SCALE.


Has anyone else faced this issue, and what has been your workaround.



Kindest regards,



Paul Ward

TS Infrastructure Architect

Natural History Museum

T: 02079426450

E: p.w...@nhm.ac.uk

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