
Some nfsv4 client of ganesha does not show up in the output of 'ganesha_mgr 
display_export'. The client has an active mount, but also shows some nfs 
issues, some commands did hang, the process just stays in state D 
(uninterruptible sleep) according to 'ps', but not the whole mount.  

I just wonder if the client's IP should always show up in the output of 
display_export once the client did issue a mount call and if the absence 
indicates that something is broken. 
Putting it the other way round: When is a client listed in the output of 
display_export and when is it removed from the list?

We do collect more debug data, this is just something that catched my eye.
Thank you,


We run ganesha 2.7.5-ibm058.05 on a spectrum scale system on RedHat 7.7.

I crosspost to the gpfsug mailing list.

Heinrich Billich
ETH Zürich
Tel.: +41 44 632 72 56

# ganesha_mgr  display_export 37
Display export with id 37
export 37: path = /xxxx/yyy, pseudo = /xxx/yyy , tag = /xxx/yyy
 Client type,  CIDR version, CIDR address, CIDR mask, CIDR proto, Anonymous 
UID, Anonymous GID, Attribute timeout, Options, Set
  a.b.c.198/32,  0,  0,  255,  1,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126195680, 
 a.b.c.143/32,  0,  0,  255,  1,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126195680, 
 a.b.c.236/32,  0,  0,  255,  1,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126195680, 
 a.b.c.34/32,  0,  0,  255,  1,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126195680, 
 a.b.c.70/32,  0,  0,  255,  1,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126195680, 
 a.b.c.71/32,  0,  0,  255,  1,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126195680, 
 *,  0,  0,  0,  0,  4294967294,  4294967294,  0,  1126187490, 1081209831

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