On 23.02.2018 23:23, Noriyuki Kojima wrote:
> Output of Configure, using commands "./configure
> CXX="/sw/arcts/centos7/gcc/5.4.0/bin/g++"
> LDFLAGS="-L/scratch/jiadeng_fluxoe/kojimano/packages/one_six/lib"
> CPPFLAGS="-I/scratch/jiadeng_fluxoe/kojimano/packages/one_six/lib"
> --with-python-module-path="/home/kojimano/anaconda3/envs/CogMap2/lib/python3.5/site-packages"
> --prefix="/home/kojimano/anaconda3/envs/CogMap2/lib"
> --with-boost="/scratch/jiadeng_fluxoe/kojimano/packages/one_six"
> -with-boost=yes --disable-cairo --disable-sparsehash
> " is attched as out_config.txt, config.log.

Your LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS point to the same directory, which does not make
sense. The first need to point to the shared object files, and the latter
the include files.

Tiago de Paula Peixoto <ti...@skewed.de>

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