Yann Chemin wrote:
Hello list,

(GRASS SVN of this morning)
Importing a vector of 400Mb (GADM <http://biogeo.berkeley.edu/gadm/>,
country level only)
v.in.ogr broke with the following error message:
Break polygons:
ERROR: G_realloc: unable to allocate 652680036 bytes at break_polygons.c:188
(Wed Feb 25 10:54:21 2009) Command finished (2163 sec)

The Desktop PC has 8Gb RAM with Debian Sid (sidux) updated this morning too...
Any idea how I could let the memory allocation do its job?
Same like ticket #494?
I got this shapefile <http://biogeo.berkeley.edu/gadm/data/gadm_v0dot9_shp.zip> and imported the whole thing, all levels, with v.in.ogr, grass65. No problems. Cleaning with v.in.ogr was successful, result is a topologically clean vector. I could not reproduce the error.

The G_realloc() error in Vect_break_polygons() remains a mystery.

Sorry for no help,

Markus M

grass-dev mailing list

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