Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-20 Thread Paulo van Breugel

On 19-03-17 21:24, Benjamin Ducke wrote:

On 19/03/17 20:11, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

On 19/03/2017 12:27, Benjamin Ducke wrote:

On 18/03/17 12:15, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

On 18-03-17 10:06, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

Dear all,

I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in
the prj file as



+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284
+towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs

Are you sure that your "+towgs84" parameters are correct?
It seems to me that you intend to apply a three parameter
transformation, but you are specifying a seven parameter
transform with the scaling (last parameter) set to "0",
which might have unintended consequences.

Good question. I am not sure, I have copied that from (the same is given in
[2]). This is not my area of expertise, so any tips (for dummies) how I
can test or find out more about this would be great.

Because your source system does not use the WGS84
datum, you should specify a datum transform. This is
assuming that you wish to reproject your data at some
point from the Indian Grid System into something more
modern, such as UTM with WGS84 datum. If you will
never need to reproject, then you can just ignore all
of the following.

Re. the datum transformation:
You'll know there is a problem when you get a result
with rather lousy accuracy after reprojection. I would
expect a simple three parameter datum transform to give
you ca. 5m of result accuracy.

Simple datum transformations have three parameters:

1-3: x/y/z translations

... or an additional four (more accurate):

4-6:  x/y/z rotations
7: scaling

It's a common mistake to set the seventh parameter
to "0", believing that this means "skip this"
(and by "common" I mean: I've done this myself before).
This is true for parameters 1-6 (translating or rotating
by "0" does "nothing"). But it is not true for 7!
Scaling a number by "0" sets its value to "0". Scaling
by "1" is the operation that "does nothing".

To be on the safe side, specify only the three parameters
that your datum transform actually has:


I have just send an
email forwarding your question to the person that proposed the proj
definition, so hopefully I'll get some useful feedback.

This seems to be a rather nice page:

It has the three parameters for your datum transform
plus a bunch of very useful literature at the bottom
of the page.

This is very useful information, thank you!



   To specify a three parameter datum transform:


If you really want to specify all seven parameters, but
want only the first three to take effect:




Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the
above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how? Or can / should
I add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?




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Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-19 Thread Benjamin Ducke
On 19/03/17 20:11, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
> On 19/03/2017 12:27, Benjamin Ducke wrote:
>> On 18/03/17 12:15, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>>> On 18-03-17 10:06, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
 Dear all,

 I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in
 the prj file as


>> [SNIP]
 +proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284
 +towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
>> Are you sure that your "+towgs84" parameters are correct?
>> It seems to me that you intend to apply a three parameter
>> transformation, but you are specifying a seven parameter
>> transform with the scaling (last parameter) set to "0",
>> which might have unintended consequences.
> Good question. I am not sure, I have copied that from
> (the same is given in
> [2]). This is not my area of expertise, so any tips (for dummies) how I
> can test or find out more about this would be great. 

Because your source system does not use the WGS84
datum, you should specify a datum transform. This is
assuming that you wish to reproject your data at some
point from the Indian Grid System into something more
modern, such as UTM with WGS84 datum. If you will
never need to reproject, then you can just ignore all
of the following.

Re. the datum transformation:
You'll know there is a problem when you get a result
with rather lousy accuracy after reprojection. I would
expect a simple three parameter datum transform to give
you ca. 5m of result accuracy.

Simple datum transformations have three parameters:

1-3: x/y/z translations

... or an additional four (more accurate):

4-6:  x/y/z rotations
7: scaling

It's a common mistake to set the seventh parameter
to "0", believing that this means "skip this"
(and by "common" I mean: I've done this myself before).
This is true for parameters 1-6 (translating or rotating
by "0" does "nothing"). But it is not true for 7!
Scaling a number by "0" sets its value to "0". Scaling
by "1" is the operation that "does nothing".

To be on the safe side, specify only the three parameters
that your datum transform actually has:


> I have just send an
> email forwarding your question to the person that proposed the proj
> definition, so hopefully I'll get some useful feedback.

This seems to be a rather nice page:

It has the three parameters for your datum transform
plus a bunch of very useful literature at the bottom
of the page.



>>   To specify a three parameter datum transform:
>> +towgs84=295,736,257
>> If you really want to specify all seven parameters, but
>> want only the first three to take effect:
>> +towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,1
>> Best,
>> Ben
 Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the
 above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how? Or can / should
 I add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?




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Dr. Benjamin Ducke
{*} Geospatial Consultant
{*} GIS Developer

Spatial technology for the masses, not the classes:
experience free and open source GIS at
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-19 Thread Paulo van Breugel

On 19/03/2017 12:27, Benjamin Ducke wrote:

On 18/03/17 12:15, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

On 18-03-17 10:06, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

Dear all,

I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in
the prj file as



+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284
+towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs

Are you sure that your "+towgs84" parameters are correct?
It seems to me that you intend to apply a three parameter
transformation, but you are specifying a seven parameter
transform with the scaling (last parameter) set to "0",
which might have unintended consequences.
Good question. I am not sure, I have copied that from (the same is given in 
[2]). This is not my area of expertise, so any tips (for dummies) how I 
can test or find out more about this would be great. I have just send an 
email forwarding your question to the person that proposed the proj 
definition, so hopefully I'll get some useful feedback.

To specify a three parameter datum transform:


If you really want to specify all seven parameters, but
want only the first three to take effect:




Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the
above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how? Or can / should
I add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?




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grass-dev mailing list

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-19 Thread Benjamin Ducke
On 18/03/17 12:15, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
> On 18-03-17 10:06, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in
>> the prj file as
>> GEOGCS["GCS_Everest_India_Nepal",DATUM["D_Everest_India_Nepal",SPHEROID["Everest_Definition_1962",6377301.243,300.8017255]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]


>> +proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284
>> +towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs

Are you sure that your "+towgs84" parameters are correct?
It seems to me that you intend to apply a three parameter
transformation, but you are specifying a seven parameter
transform with the scaling (last parameter) set to "0",
which might have unintended consequences.

To specify a three parameter datum transform:


If you really want to specify all seven parameters, but
want only the first three to take effect:




>> Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the
>> above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how? Or can / should
>> I add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?
>> Regards,
>> Paulo
>> [1]
>> [2]
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> grass-dev mailing list

Dr. Benjamin Ducke
{*} Geospatial Consultant
{*} GIS Developer

Spatial technology for the masses, not the classes:
experience free and open source GIS at
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-18 Thread Paulo van Breugel

On 18-03-17 12:26, Moritz Lennert wrote:

Le 18 mars 2017 10:06:09 GMT+01:00, Paulo van Breugel  
a écrit :

Dear all,

I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in
the prj file as


The corresponding proj.4 definition (as defined in the esri epsg-codes
file in /usr/share/proj/)

+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.230165384 +no_defs

And when I create a location based on this shapefile, the projection
information is:

name   : GCS_Everest_India_Nepal
a  : 6377301.243
es : 0.006637846068423442
proj   : ll
no_defs: defined
unit   : degree
units  : degrees
meters : 1.0

Question 1: Now, I can import a shapefile or raster layer in
latlon/WGS84 (EPGS: 4326) without reprojection. GRASS thus assumes the
projection is identical, even if they are not? Why is that?

The proj.4 definition above is missing the shift w.r.t. the WGS84.

That would be why: if no towgs84 info is given, the projection is assumed as 
using wgs84 as datum.
Ah, yes. Clearly I am not fully understanding how this projecting is 
handled. I was looking at the ellipsoid parameters, a and es which are 
different from EPSG 4326.

correct proj.4 definition for EPGS 37203 would be [2]

+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284
+towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs

Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the
above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how?

The location creation wizard allows you to define a location using a proj.4 

Of course, overlooked that in the rush of the moment. Thanks.

Or can / should
add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?

Not sure about that file, but you could also add it directly in the 
/use/share/project/epsg or equivalent.
Ah ok, thanks. Will this work properly when reprojecting layers from 
other locations with datum transformation? I am asking because in the 
help file of r.proj it is mentioned that it supports general datum 
transformations, making use of the PROJ.4 co-ordinate system translation 
library. If I understand correctly the datum.table and 
datumtransform.table files in the  $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv folder? And 
those tables do not include the concerning datum / transformation 




grass-dev mailing list

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-18 Thread Paulo van Breugel

On 18-03-17 16:30, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

On 18-03-17 13:52, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

Or can / should I
add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?

quite interesting as I don't have here $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv
Same here, sorry, copied that line from the g.proj help file. Should 
probably be corrected in the g.proj help file (in the description 
section in the part about the epsg. But the path may differ depending 
on the OS I guess, so not sure what to change it to.

OK, I am confusing things: I have the datumtransform.table and the 
datum.table in two folders:

/usr/local/share/gdal/grass/etc/  (installed with grass-gdal plugin?)

The other files listed below are only in the folder 
/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.3.svn/etc/proj/.  So the help file is correct 
in my case.

from a fresh svn up and compilation

nada:~/dev/cpp/grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/etc/proj$ ls -l
insgesamt 228
-rw-r--r-- 1  5725 Mär 12 22:33 datum.table
-rw-r--r-- 1  7556 Mär 12 22:33 datumtransform.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 1465 Mär 12 22:34 desc.table
-rw-r--r-- 1  5969 Mär 12 22:33 ellipse.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 8292 Mär 12 22:33
-rw-r--r-- 1 120559 Mär 12 22:33 FIPS.code
-rw-r--r-- 1 7939 Mär 12 22:34 parms.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 2950 Mär 12 22:33 projections
-rw-r--r-- 1 25112 Mär 12 22:33 state27
-rw-r--r-- 1 20617 Mär 12 22:33 state83
-rw-r--r-- 1 464 Mär 12 22:34 units.table

best regards
View this message in context:

Sent from the Grass - Dev mailing list archive at
grass-dev mailing list

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-18 Thread Paulo van Breugel

On 18-03-17 13:52, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

Or can / should I
add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?

quite interesting as I don't have here $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv
Same here, sorry, copied that line from the g.proj help file. Should 
probably be corrected in the g.proj help file (in the description 
section in the part about the epsg. But the path may differ depending on 
the OS I guess, so not sure what to change it to.

from a fresh svn up and compilation

nada:~/dev/cpp/grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/etc/proj$ ls -l
insgesamt 228
-rw-r--r-- 1  5725 Mär 12 22:33 datum.table
-rw-r--r-- 1  7556 Mär 12 22:33 datumtransform.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 1465 Mär 12 22:34 desc.table
-rw-r--r-- 1  5969 Mär 12 22:33 ellipse.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 8292 Mär 12 22:33
-rw-r--r-- 1 120559 Mär 12 22:33 FIPS.code
-rw-r--r-- 1 7939 Mär 12 22:34 parms.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 2950 Mär 12 22:33 projections
-rw-r--r-- 1 25112 Mär 12 22:33 state27
-rw-r--r-- 1 20617 Mär 12 22:33 state83
-rw-r--r-- 1 464 Mär 12 22:34 units.table

best regards
View this message in context:
Sent from the Grass - Dev mailing list archive at
grass-dev mailing list

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-18 Thread Helmut Kudrnovsky

>Or can / should I
>add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?

quite interesting as I don't have here $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv

from a fresh svn up and compilation

nada:~/dev/cpp/grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/etc/proj$ ls -l
insgesamt 228
-rw-r--r-- 1  5725 Mär 12 22:33 datum.table
-rw-r--r-- 1  7556 Mär 12 22:33 datumtransform.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 1465 Mär 12 22:34 desc.table
-rw-r--r-- 1  5969 Mär 12 22:33 ellipse.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 8292 Mär 12 22:33
-rw-r--r-- 1 120559 Mär 12 22:33 FIPS.code
-rw-r--r-- 1 7939 Mär 12 22:34 parms.table
-rw-r--r-- 1 2950 Mär 12 22:33 projections
-rw-r--r-- 1 25112 Mär 12 22:33 state27
-rw-r--r-- 1 20617 Mär 12 22:33 state83
-rw-r--r-- 1 464 Mär 12 22:34 units.table

best regards
View this message in context:
Sent from the Grass - Dev mailing list archive at
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-18 Thread Moritz Lennert

Le 18 mars 2017 10:06:09 GMT+01:00, Paulo van Breugel  
a écrit :
>Dear all,
>I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in 
>the prj file as
>The corresponding proj.4 definition (as defined in the esri epsg-codes 
>file in /usr/share/proj/)
>+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.230165384 +no_defs
>And when I create a location based on this shapefile, the projection 
>information is:
>name   : GCS_Everest_India_Nepal
>a  : 6377301.243
>es : 0.006637846068423442
>proj   : ll
>no_defs: defined
>unit   : degree
>units  : degrees
>meters : 1.0
>Question 1: Now, I can import a shapefile or raster layer in 
>latlon/WGS84 (EPGS: 4326) without reprojection. GRASS thus assumes the 
>projection is identical, even if they are not? Why is that?
>The proj.4 definition above is missing the shift w.r.t. the WGS84. 

That would be why: if no towgs84 info is given, the projection is assumed as 
using wgs84 as datum.

>correct proj.4 definition for EPGS 37203 would be [2]
>+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284 
>+towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
>Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the 
>above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how? 

The location creation wizard allows you to define a location using a proj.4 

>Or can / should
>add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?

Not sure about that file, but you could also add it directly in the 
/use/share/project/epsg or equivalent.


>grass-dev mailing list
grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] custom CRS

2017-03-18 Thread Paulo van Breugel

On 18-03-17 10:06, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

Dear all,

I have a shapefile which is in CRS ESRI:37203 [1], which is defined in 
the prj file as


The corresponding proj.4 definition (as defined in the esri epsg-codes 
file in /usr/share/proj/)

+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.230165384 +no_defs

And when I create a location based on this shapefile, the projection 
information is:

name   : GCS_Everest_India_Nepal
a  : 6377301.243
es : 0.006637846068423442
proj   : ll
no_defs: defined
unit   : degree
units  : degrees
meters : 1.0

Question 1: Now, I can import a shapefile or raster layer in 
latlon/WGS84 (EPGS: 4326) without reprojection. GRASS thus assumes the 
projection is identical, even if they are not? Why is that?

The proj.4 definition above is missing the shift w.r.t. the WGS84. The 
correct proj.4 definition for EPGS 37203 would be [2]

+proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +b=6356100.2284 
+towgs84=295,736,257,0,0,0,0 +no_defs

Question 2: In QGIS it is possible to define a custom CRS using the 
above. Can I do this in GRASS as well, and if so, how? Or can / should 
I add this to the datum information files in $GISBASE/etc/proj/ogr_csv?




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