Dear all,

Zofie and me are trying to mode altitude of forest line in GRASS and R.

We have a couple of 100k pixels that we assume to represent forest line and now 
want to explain their altitude with explanatory variables (terrain, 
temperature, precipitation and the like). In a next step we want to use 
projected data (climate scenarios) in the model in order to predict possible 
effects of climate change. But now we are a bit unsure about what modeling 
technique to use.

Our data to be modeled is zero-inflated (from 0 - ~1150m) with a significant 
amount of spatial autocorrelation. And also the explanatory variables are 
spatially auto-correlated and have a lot of collinearity.
We have been looking at (amongst others):

-          Regression kriging, but we have doubts that R will be able to handle 
the amount of data (even on a high-mem server), pluss that we are unsure if we 
can replace current with future climate in such a model

-          GLS, but also here we face problems with excessive resource 
consumption in R for e.g. accounting for spatial autocorrelation

Handle r.regression.multi or r.gwr those issues?
Can anyone recommend other types of models that can handle spatial 
autocorrelation and multicolinearity?
We would be glad for any hint on where to look for more information (articles, 


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