Hello Natalia:

(Returning to the list - perhaps someone else can help also)

On 11/05/2010 03:20 PM, Sofina Natalia wrote:
Am 04.11.2010 20:20, schrieb Micha Silver:

The "too many subclasses" is not necessarily an error. I believe that it means one classification is too complicated, that is the spread of pixel values is such that it can't create a signature for that class.
Did the process finish?
How did you make the training map? Are all the training areas with the same category uniform? If you setup a training area that is too large, with a broad mix of pixel values, then gensigset won't be able to create unique signatures for each class.


Hi, Micha!

I can't create a "sig-file" still... Below it is what I got after starting the i.gensigset:


(Fri Nov 05 12:47:14 2010)

i.gensigset trainingmap=my...@image_classification group=tr...@image_classification subgroup=train_sub signaturefile=train_sig

No need to explicitly enter the mapset here. It shoud be enough to do:
i.gensigset trainingmap=my_cl group=train \
    subgroup=train_sub signaturefile=train_sig

Finding training classes...

6 classes found

Reading raster maps...

Clustering class 1 (3324 pixels)...

Removed a singular subsignature number 5 (9 remain)

Removed a singular subsignature number 8 (8 remain)

Number of subclasses is 6

Clustering class 2 (1898 pixels)...

Removed a singular subsignature number 9 (9 remain)

Number of subclasses is 3

Clustering class 3 (2710 pixels)...

Number of subclasses is 10

Clustering class 4 (1347 pixels)...

Removed a singular subsignature number 10 (9 remain)

Removed a singular subsignature number 6 (8 remain)

Removed a singular subsignature number 2 (7 remain)

Number of subclasses is 6

Clustering class 5 (1024 pixels)...

Number of subclasses is 4

Clustering class 6 (2107 pixels)...

Number of subclasses is 1

So far this looks normal. You have a few thousand pixels in each training area which should be enough.

unable to create signature file train_sig for subgroup train_sub of group tr...@image_classification

Hmmm... What went wrong? One additional test below...

ERROR: Unable to create signature file <train_sig>

(Fri Nov 05 12:47:19 2010) Command finished (5 sec)

My training map I make so as it is described in your paper. I've tried to create it with different sizes of the training areas. And the color of the area I define using the function r.what.color.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Each training area should cover a uniform feature in the landscape. Perhaps send the output of:
r.info  my_cl
r.univar my_cl

I don't understand what is wrong... Which size should be a training area? Does it depend on the number of pixels?

Thanks a lot,


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Micha Silver
Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918

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