...I mean: how to get an table entry for every vector objects Id? (every geometry object has an unique id)

achim wrote:
Yes, thanks,

but how to force that every single geometry object (of one kind) gets an entry?


(just to mention: And why aren't those commands reachable in an useful order? One always has to check whether the table are built, go and add a table, on another place set connection, on another place load up cats...alway confusing and lots of clicking in the gui)

Moritz Lennert wrote:
On 26/06/09 11:30, achim wrote:
Hi all,

I think I am not the only one having problems with getting the connection "vector geometry features" - "attribute table" (for me its a sqlite db at the moment). ;-)

So I wonder how is the default way to deal with vector layers to establish a metadata table to each geometry object?

Normally, categories are added and a table is automatically created at vector import, or, by default, at digitalisation. But some modules do not create a table as they wouldn't know what to put in it (and a table with just cat values is not very useful as such).

I always have the problem that the table is empty. And adding category is not enough to add an entry for every geometry object... well.

After adding the category, you have to upload it to the table with v.to.db.

If you do not even have a table connected to the map, you can run the script v.db.addtable which creates the table (by running an SQL query) and then adds the category values to it (with v.to.db).

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