Re: [GRASS-user] WinGRASS issues poll

2008-08-17 Thread Maciej Sieczka
Firman Hadi pisze: 1. GDAL/OGR * When I use gdalwarp with EPSG code, there is error saying that it can't find epsg file * When I use gdalwarp with WKT, there is error saying that libproj.dll is missing 2. GRASS terminal * When I choose GRASS terminal, I can't use binary program be

Re: [GRASS-user] WinGRASS issues poll

2008-08-17 Thread Maciej Sieczka
Jonathan Greenberg pisze: Large file support for the imports (we discussed this a few weeks back) -- I can't use wingrass without it. I think you were trying to see if you could do a recompile of gdal to get it working... Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your feedback. What Windows version? What WinG