[GRASS-user] Statement Helena Mitasova

2021-01-14 Thread Helena Mitasova

 Dear GRASS community,

I am  honored to be nominated - thank you.  

As most of you probably know I am faculty at the Center for Geospatial 
Analytics at North Carolina State University. 
I have participated in GRASS GIS development since 1991, working at USA CERL in 
90s and I have been on GRASS PSC
since it was established. I have collaborated with Markus on the GRASSbook and 
co-authored many papers and two
additional books with GRASS-related topics. I have promoted GRASS in academic 
communities and at conferences through
presentations of our research developing innovative tools and applications. 

I am currently on the board of directors for OSGeo and as GRASS PSC member I 
try to make sure that the views and needs
from GRASS project are well represented. I am rather quiet on the lists as I 
try to minimize sending emails, writing only when I feel
that it is absolutely necessary. But I closely follow GRASS development and 
follow up with any  issues that arise with Anna and Vasek.
I developed and teach courses where we use GRASS and my current and former 
graduate students use GRASS in their research.
I was fortunate to have Anna and Vasek as my grad students  bringing GRASS 
development into our lab at NCSU.

As a PSC member I see my role as guarding the continuity while supporting new 
ideas -I am excited about the new developments 
which may change how people use GRASS and make it more accessible. I am 
committed to working with GRASS community to further develop open access 
educational material  for courses and workshops.
I would also strive to keep the admin and procedures as simple as possible to 
focus the resources (time and effort)
on development, documentation and education, while dividing the work as 
suggested by Markus - perhaps bringing 
in some experience from currently well functioning OSGeo board.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Statement Vaclav Petras

2021-01-14 Thread Vaclav Petras
Dear GRASS community,

Thank you for a nomination for a second term at PSC. I've been at PSC since
2016 and a core developer since 2012. I'm working in academia mostly on
developing or helping people to develop code for research. I think I have
touched a lot of files in the GRASS GIS code base, but according to the
command below [1], it is only 16.5%. I presented GRASS GIS at various
conferences and taught it to graduate students and at workshops. My
favorite presentation I did is perhaps *33 Years Of GRASS GIS As An
Innovation Platform* [2, 3].

As a PSC member, I will vote for sponsoring crucial or special project
needs on top of sprints and promotion what we did so far. Additionally, I
would like to see more support and promotion within the project for people
and organizations which provide some kind of GRASS GIS support or services
as part of their business. For example, I think that a developer seeking
crowdfunding should not only be supported by the project, but there should
be an established and ongoing process of doing that. Therefore, I will
support proposals which make promotion, sponsoring, customer-contractor
matching, and contributing and thanking by money more common and present in
our community.


[1] python -c "print(100 * $(git log --pretty='%H' --author='wenzeslaus' |
while read commit_hash; do git show --oneline --name-only $commit_hash |
tail -n+2; done | sort | uniq | xargs ls -d 2>/dev/null | wc -l) / $(git
ls-tree -r master --name-only | wc -l))"
[2] https://ncsu-geoforall-lab.github.io/grass-as-a-platform/ncgis2017.html
[3] https://youtu.be/Vv5NnPg6MOY
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] [GRASS-PSC] Statement Michael Barton

2021-01-14 Thread Michael Barton
I am honored to be nominated to continue on the PSC.

By way of background, I have been a GRASS user and contributor for nearly two 
decades. When I first managed to compile GRASS on my Mac, I wrote a polite 
email to Markus Neteler asking about the possibility of a GUI. He wrote back a 
polite email explaining that this new open source project relied on volunteers 
to do such development. While uncertain about my ability to contribute the 
project, I tried anyway--learning and benefiting much. I have had a number of 
roles in the GRASS community and indeed ended us designing and coding several 
generations of GUI's, including the one now used. This work is now carried on 
by others younger and more talented than I am. Importantly, all of my 
contributions would not have been possible without the collaboration of other 
volunteers in this community. While I still do a little development work, my 
main contribution is to maintain the Mac binaries.

I use GRASS for socio-ecological research and dynamic modeling, and teach 
geospatial technologies with GRASS (in the USA, Germany, and Spain). Being a 
member of the international GRASS community has made me an ardent and vocal 
advocate of FOSS and open science. Promoting open scientific computation is key 
to the mission of the scientific network I lead, CoMSES.NET. I regularly point 
to GRASS as an exemplar open source software project, a bottom up, 
self-organized network of users and developers around the world who together 
create some of the most powerful and highest quality geospatial software 

I will continue to participate in the GRASS developer and user communities, 
advocating for GRASS and FOSS, whether or not I am on the PSC. If selected, I 
am happy to continue to provide input, a historical perspective, and support 
the PSC as a researcher/educator/developer and as a Mac user of GRASS. My goals 
for GRASS center around making it more accessible so that more people can use 
it and contribute to the project. I am very happy to see the continued growth 
of the developer and user communities, especially the new generation of 
developers who are continuing the GRASS tradition of high-quality, cutting-edge 
software. I certainly support ongoing work to make the GUI more flexible and 
more usable, critically important for enabling a wide diversity of people to 
apply this sophisticated and powerful software. Along these lines, I would 
encourage incipient development efforts to provide a browser-based version of 
GRASS, available online as software-as-a-service. Also, in order to support 
transparent, scientific workflows, one suggestion I have is for an option that 
would automatically record the commands behind a series of GUI actions in a 
file that could be saved and shared. All the functionality to do this is 
already in place in GRASS. Finally, while preparing this statement, I went 
looking for an expression of the GRASS mission, and found that one is not 
available beyond "Bringing advanced geospatial technologies to the world". This 
is indeed laudable. But given the long and successful history, and worldwide 
use of GRASS, it would be of value for the PSC, with approval of voting 
community members, to articulate a more comprehensive GRASS mission statement 
to communicate the vision of this community to a global audience.

Michael Barton

C. Michael Barton
Network for Computational Modeling in Social & Ecological Sciences
School of Complex Adaptive Systems
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] How to create a GRASS addon that returns something when using read_command()

2021-01-14 Thread Stefan Blumentrath
Hi Camille,

Great resources to start with are:
wenzeslaus/python-grass-addon: How to write a Python GRASS GIS 7 addon 
wenzeslaus/r.example.plus: An example of a GRASS GIS module for processing 
rasters (github.com)

If you want your module to return not maps or tables but output on stdout (what 
read_command() captures), just use the print() function in python.

Hope that helps to get started!?

If there is a module that has a UI that could be a good template for what you 
want to do, you can use e.g. “r.info –script” to get a script template for the 
UI and general content.


From: grass-user  On Behalf Of Cam Morlus
Sent: torsdag 14. januar 2021 21:23
To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [GRASS-user] How to create a GRASS addon that returns something when 
using read_command()

Dear All,

I am using grass 7.8.4. I'm calling commands externally using the Grass Python 
Scripting Library in Python. I wanted to know when you create an addon in 
python how to end the addon script so that when you call that addon with 
read_command() it returns something. I would like to have something similar to 
what happens when calling read_command(g.gisenv) which returns the grass 
variables settings so that you can store them into a variable.

Thank you in advance for your answer.


Camille Morlighem
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Statement Helmut Kudrnovsky

2021-01-14 Thread Helmut Kudrnovsky
Dear GRASS GIS community,

I'm honored to be nominated for the PSC of this wonderful free and open
source GIS project.

For preparing this statement, I've done some archaeology work to find out
since when I'm part of and contribute to the community. :-)

it seems I'm around there in the mailing lists since about 16 years [1]. 

A few years later, I've got write access to the code base. My first commit
was about fixing some winGRASS standalone installer issues. back then, it
was still in the svn code repository. the cool thing is that the commit
history is still available after the switch to the github [2]. I've
contributed also some addons, e.g. v.fixed.segmentpoints, r.euro.ecosystem,
r.northerness.easterness, r.roughness.vector, r.valley.bottom.

For the OSGeo community, I've served as GSoC admin for a few years.

>From my professional background, as an ecologist I'm working in the field of
applied science and nature conservation. In this field, I'm trying to
promote the use of free and open (GIS) software.

Since the beginning, I'm involved in the windwows side of the GRASS GIS
world. :-)  e.g. testing on the windows platform; improving standalone
installer; packaging standalone and OSgeo4W; R-winGRASS bridge; helping on
windows issues in the mailing lists; etc.

I'll continue these activities. As a possibly elected PSC member, a mid term
vision is a completely automated preparing and packaging of winGRASS, e.g.
by github actions. a long term vision is to bring more community members
contributing, maintain and developing on the windwows side of the GRASS GIS

Proud to be part of such a innovative and friendly community !


best regards
Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Grass-Users-f3884509.html
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Statement Markus Neteler

2021-01-14 Thread Markus Neteler
First of all, thanks for the nomination.

After starting to use GRASS GIS as a student in 1993, in early 1998 I
saw the need to set up a "European GRASS site" at the University of
Hannover, which quickly developed into an international development
team. Since 1998 I have maintained the various site installations
(Hannover, Trento; then USA, mainly together with Martin Landa),
fortunately today based on hugo. While in1998 I was still doing the
source code management manually (the "patch by email" system, so to
speak), then at the end of 1999 we switched first to CVS, then SVN and
now finally to git/GitHub. I'm very happy about the git migration, as
we are increasingly seeing new developers and more contributions. I
also find the (automated) code quality tests great.

My project activities include presenting at conferences, some
teaching, code sprint participation, bug fixing, user support,
infrastructure management, co-maintaining the Twitter account, release
management, project funding, etc. As before in my research group in
Italy, also in my company mundialis we stick to open source software
and donate in-kind development hours to OSGeo (i.e. developer hours
leading to code contributions: new GRASS GIS addons, fixes and
continuation and extension of actinia, originally developed by Sören
Gebbert). I am co-founder of GRASS GIS e.V. (today FOSSGIS), GFOSS.it
and OSGeo.

I believe that the new PSC could benefit from different members taking
on roles to better handle the tasks at hand, (see also the old page:

With my diverse interests, I would be interested in sharing my
experience in project management (but not necessarily as the
chairperson!), contact with business, infrastructure management, and
financial matters. For sure I am happy to support new faces in the
PSC, being elected or not. I would be happy to see as much as possible
implemented from the PSC agenda, perhaps with frequent meetings to
keep the pace. And more outreach and marketing, to highlight the
powerful software and its beautiful community I enjoy for decades!

Best wishes,


Markus Neteler, PhD
https://www.mundialis.de - free data with free software
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] How to create a GRASS addon that returns something when using read_command()

2021-01-14 Thread Cam Morlus
Dear All,

I am using grass 7.8.4. I'm calling commands externally using the Grass
Python Scripting Library in Python. I wanted to know when you create an
addon in python how to end the addon script so that when you call that
addon with read_command() it returns something. I would like to have
something similar to what happens when calling read_command(g.gisenv) which
returns the grass variables settings so that you can store them into a

Thank you in advance for your answer.


Camille Morlighem
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Statement Anna Petrasova

2021-01-14 Thread Anna Petrášová
Dear GRASS community,

Thank you for the PSC nomination! I have been involved in GRASS GIS
development for ten years now, being a PSC member since 2016. I have been
mostly focusing on GUI development, but I am familiar with most parts of
the codebase. As a PhD student and now working in academia I have been
teaching geospatial modeling in GRASS, leading numerous workshops, and
helping students individually as well as supporting the broader scientific
community on mailing lists. After participating in Google Summer of Code as
a student, I mentored and co-mentored several GSoC students with projects
focusing e.g. on Python 3 support and new start-up.

I am really excited from the many changes GRASS underwent recently
including transitioning to GitHub, which increased the outside
contributions, attracted more developers, and increased code quality. I
would like to continue that trend by making sure current and new devs are
supported with high quality code reviews and more readable and documented
code in general. Also I hope to participate in programs attracting new
developers such as GSoC.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Statement Moritz Lennert

2021-01-14 Thread Moritz Lennert

Dear all,

I thank those who nominated me for putting my name up once again. Most 
of you will have seen me around as I'm one of the old ones, active in 
the GRASS GIS community for over 20 years now.

In the past I've have worked on many different parts of GRASS: 
documentation, the first attempts of a native MS Windows port, a series 
of modules, with, in the last years, a specific focus on remote sensing 
and particularly the entire tool chain for object-based image assessment.

I have been in the GRASS PSC since 2012, and have been active as GSoc 
mentor, "volunteered" as financial / bank manager of the project, 
contributor of presentations at different FOSS4G conferences, 
participated in several sprints, etc Having spent over 20 years in 
academia, I have also taught with GRASS GIS at university for quite a 
long time. I'm also one of the co-founders of the Belgian chapter of the 
OSGeo foundation and co-organiser of the Belgian foss4g.be conferences.

Recently, I have left university, however, and am now employed by a 
private company, https://bluesquarehub.com, that develops technologies 
for the health sector in developing countries. I was hired to develop 
the geospatial data aspect of their work (they do use GRASS GIS in a 
model of health facility accessibility we developed for them when I was 
still at university). As this is still quite new I don't know, yet, how 
much time I will have for actively contributing to GRASS GIS, nor for 
even just following all of the exiting continuous developments and 
discussions on the lists and in github. If elected, my presence will 
probably be more subdued, but I do promise to actively play the role of 
"old wise guy" and upholder of some of the historical traditions and 
values of GRASS GIS development.

At the same time, I would be more than happy to see new faces in the PSC 
and to leave my place to them if the community so desires. I promise 
that I will continue to hang around whatever the results of the 
elections and to manage our bank account and paypal money pool :-).

I'm proud to be part of such a wonderfully friendly and innovative 
community !

All the best,
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] [GRASS GIS Elections 2020] Amendment to the announcement concerning lists of contributors

2021-01-14 Thread Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2020

Dear members of the GRASS GIS community,

We have now added the following three lists to the list of contributors 
who have voting rights:

1) GRASS GIS Addon contributors:

all those who contributed through merged pull requests which are project 

2) https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/graphs/contributors
3) https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-addons/graphs/contributors

The following three are the lists already being considered since the start:




Please, check that your name and e-mail are correctly spelled and 
updated and that they appear in the corresponding list.



Chief Return Officer (CRO)

grass-user mailing list