jessica.gervais wrote:

> Dear R mailing list!

(close enough)

> I would like to import points data in GRASS (with
> My data includes number written with the scientific notation (for example
> 1.2e+23).
> During the import, I am defining them as double.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't work...
> I get the following message :
> " ERROR: Column 9 defined as double has string values "
> Can GRASS actualy deal with number written with scientific notation ?
> Is there a specific way to deal with these numbers ? coulumn scanning code seems to overlook that case. 

There is an open bug report for it not dealing with "nan" and "inf" as doubles
I'd like to add this issue to that bug report but am not currently in a place
to log into to do that.

I had thought you could over-ride that by specifically defining the column type
with columns="east double, north double, ...", but no luck.

As a work-around you could use a little awk to reformat it, for example:
 echo "1.2e23 2.1e21" | awk '{printf("%.0f %.0f\n", $1, $2)}'


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