
New Graylog user here. Bit of a dilemma, been trying to figure this out for 
hours now without success, and about to give up. I'm using their appliance 
which I just downloaded yesterday.

I'm sending Syslog packets in Gelf format (I successfully validated the 
Json), and no matter what I do, the packets don't show up. There is no 
parsing error or anything, the data just doesn't show up.

I already created a Raw/UDP input & stream, which does show the messages 
coming in, I also verified with tcpdump that they are actually making it to 
the server.

What's really strange is that sending a traditional UDP Syslog RFC 3164 
packet to port 12201 will yield in a parsing error (since it's not json), 
suggesting that it's definitely getting data from that port, I'm assuming 
the stream is working to a certain extent?

However I cannot figure out what is happening to those other messages that 
should be coming in and get parsed. This worked at some point, and then 
just stopped working randomly. Tried to reboot the VM, no success. I'm 
currently even trying to send the standard test JSON 
(from http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.1/pages/gelf.html) without success.

Any suggestions would be appreciate, thanks!

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