
I'm trying to use this plugin on the graylog marketplace:


I'm doing something wrong.  Here is my config:

JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://myhost.local:3306/graylog
Driver to use:  mariadb-java-client-1.5.7.jar

Originally I used jdbc:mariadb:// but didn't work, and driver was the full 
path, also didn't work.  Based on some other non-graylog mysql driver 
questions I tried setting my CLASSPATH variable to include the full path to 
the driver as well.  Still no good.

I had setup a Stream that used this Output and I can see msg/s trickling 
through.  But nothing ends up in my mariadb table, and a tcpdump shows no 
packets hitting the port.  Yes mariadb is set to listen on and the 
user was updated to accept remote connections (as well as local).

There is one step in the instructions that doesn't make any sense to me:

Add following line to graylog2-output-jdbc.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

What does this mean?


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