[greasemonkey-users] Avoid unnecessary additional new prompt in Firefox when dragging script

2014-05-29 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
After having used successfully GM for a long while I observed a new behaviour in Firefox since a few weeks. When I drag (under 64bit Win7) a *.user.js script file onto Firefox v29.* the script content is now displayed as text in Firefox window and a prompt bar appears at the top: "This is a Gr

[greasemonkey-users] Inserting URL does not work

2014-06-06 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Lets start with an example webpage from a (german) online news magazine. If you click on the tiny "print" icon a print layout page will be presented. http://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/wer-knackte-die-boeing-systeme-hier-stimmt-etwas-nicht-emirates-chef-fordert- aufklaerung-ueber-mh370_id_3904374.h

[greasemonkey-users] Auto-switch radio button from GM script?

2014-06-13 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have a web page like the following from german newsmagazin: http://www.focus.de/digital/internet/die-groessten-mems-im-netz-leg-die-brueste-auf-den-tisch-bizarre-internettrends_id_ 3437083.html If you click on the tiny "print" icon near the top right side of the article users get the pr

[greasemonkey-users] How to execute second GM script on HTML code loaded AFTER first GM script?

2014-06-24 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Normally a html web page is loaded and then the GM script is applied. However occasionally certain parts of a web page are loaded AFTER the execution of the (first) GM script. In this case this first GM script is NOT re-applied on the new arrived code. Lets have a look at an example (from a ger

[greasemonkey-users] applying p[...] {....} with Greasemonkey cmd other than "document.querySelector(...)" possible?

2014-07-02 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have a CSS instruction like: p[style="margin: 4px 0;"] { font-size: 13px !important; line-height: 13px !important; } How can I apply it in an GM script in the best (shortest) way? Is try { document.querySelector('p[style="margin: 4px 0;"]').setAttribute('style', 'font-size: 13px !impo

[greasemonkey-users] GM instruction not recognized

2014-07-19 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Meanwhile I applied successfully lots of GM scripts to many web sites. However now I am really surprised. Whenever I applied a GM script to the following webpage(s) nothing happened. Even after uninstall or delete script + re-install or on other computers absolute no effect. Lets take an exampl

[greasemonkey-users] Display element content to console in human readable format?

2014-07-25 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I searched inside a GM script for an element of a web page which contains some text string pattern. If found I want to output it to WebConsole. Therefore I code the following in the GM script: var elem = $("h2:contains('dummy')"); console.log("before output"); if (elem) { console.log("found el

[greasemonkey-users] refer to the newest jQuery lib in @require statement?

2014-07-26 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
At the top of some of my scripts I have to insert a line // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js This refers to a particular version 1.9.1 of the jQuery library. As far as I know jQuery libs are downwards compatible. So I would prefer to always automa

[greasemonkey-users] How to change the print(!!!) font-size for this page?

2014-12-18 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I have here articles from a german newspaper company. Example: http://www.faz.net/-gsb-7xlbz resp. http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/zugriff-auf-server-in-irland-microsoft-wehrt-sich-13324607.html When I click on the "Drucken" link (=which means print) on the upper right side of the w

[greasemonkey-users] document.querySelector('img[width="650"]') not successful/matched

2015-01-05 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
When I try to apply the following script statement: // ==UserScript== // @nameChangeLayoutHowtogeek // @namespace nsChangeLayoutHowtogeek // @description Change Layout HowToGeek // @include http://*.howtogeek.com/* // @version 1.2.0 // @grant GM_add

[greasemonkey-users] How to refer to class name with multiple blank separated names?

2015-01-05 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have a HTML code like: ... ... Now I want to hide this from within a GM script with a command like GM_addStyle("div.aaa bbb ccc { display: none !important; }"); but it does not work this way. How can I refer otherwise to a class with multiple blank separated names? Ben --

[greasemonkey-users] Find all images with a width > (greater than) 650px or no width spec ? Detecting dimesion by pre-loading from server?

2015-01-06 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Ok I can find all images from a webpage with a width of exactly 650px by a GM script command like: var imgNodes = document.querySelectorAll('img[width="650"]'); 1.) But is there a way to find all images from a webpage with a size of 650px AND MORE? 2.) Is there a way to find all images from a

[greasemonkey-users] Set Firefox option "Print Background (colors & images)" from GM script?

2015-01-07 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
As you know there is an option in Firefox under menu File-->Page Setup-->Format & Options-->Print Background (colors & images) Is it possible to setup (toggle on/off) this option from GM script? Ben -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "greasemonkey

[greasemonkey-users] Setup print Preferences "Background images&colors" with Javascript Services.prefs.setBoolPref(...., false);

2015-01-24 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
>From a GM script I want to setup/change the current browser preferences for >whether the background images and colors should be printed as well or not. The current settings for e.g. the Firefox browser can be viewed and changed through GUI menu File-->Page setup The preferences can be change

[greasemonkey-users] Two versions of a GM script exist at the same time! Confusing applying

2015-02-21 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
As I found out much to my surprise TWO (!) versions of a GM script can exist at the same time. I had a look in menu Tools--->AddOns--->UserScripts and found v1.60 and v2.2.0 See attached snapshot. How can this be? I expected that installing a new script automatically overwrites the old ver

[greasemonkey-users] Strange behaviour: GM script code only working on Firebug console BUT not from GM script

2015-02-24 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I want to come back to a GM script code I have asked here a couple of days before. I simplified the task and want to replace the ...element by just the string "aaa" from the URL line this page: http://www.printfriendly.com/print?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdeutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de%2F2014%2F12%2

[greasemonkey-users] Double "Install script" popup when dragging *.user.js onto Firefox v36.0.1

2015-03-11 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Since yesterday I observe a strange installation behaviour of GM. When I drag a mysscript.user.js from WinExplorer onto Firefox v36.0.1 then TWO (!) "Install script?" confirmation dialog popup windows appear. Is this a bug? This occurs for all scripts. Even for those which work correctly in th

[greasemonkey-users] How to test GM_addStyle() statements in Firebug Console?

2015-03-11 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I can test Javascript commands not only in GM scripts but in Firebug console as well. Users just have to copy the commands and click on "run". Thats fine. Is there a similar way for testing CSS statements in FireBug console as well (before putting them into a GM script)? When I copy e.g. GM_ad

[greasemonkey-users] referring IDs with wildcard?

2015-04-09 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have on webpages of a domain many elements which contain all an ID of the pattern "aaa_bbb_ccc_ 0004325". Examples: ... I want to hide them all by a GM script statement like: GM_addStyle("#aaa_bbb_ccc_0004325 { display: none !important; }"); Obviously I c

[greasemonkey-users] Why no text addable with innerHTML ?

2015-04-20 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have the following (simplified) HTML code: foobar Now I want to add some additional text in a new line after the inner content of "source" element. Therefore I coded in a GM script: var pane = document.getElementsByClassName("p.source")[0]; pane.innerHTML = pane.innerHTML + " added

[greasemonkey-users] removing stuff after element up to the end of enclosing element?

2015-05-03 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
An often occuring problem is how to remove stuff after a certain element up to the end of the enclosing element. Example: ... ... ... ... this stuff should be removed resp. hidden This text should be kept How can I achieve this from GM script? Thank you Ben -- You received this messa

[greasemonkey-users] Where are the CSS statements for the print (!) page layout?

2015-05-23 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Lets go at first to a sample page with the grey printer icon in the middle column: http://www.finanzen100.de/finanznachrichten/wirtschaft/als-praesident-roosevelt-den-gold-besitz-verbot_H1951016042_65256/ Assume I want to change the font size and line-height and margins for the print layout pag

[greasemonkey-users] How to overwrite in GM script all inner "style" attributes?

2015-06-09 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have html pages with the following schema: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I want to set for ALL elements inside a new font-family, a new font-size and a new line-height. Normally

[greasemonkey-users] How to put foreign special chars (e.g. german Umlaute) into GM script?

2015-06-13 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I want to code the following statement in a GM script: $("div:contains('Frühstück')").css("display", "none"); I am not sure if your email client displays the search pattern above correctly. It contains TWO german Umlaute ü = ü If I drag this *.user.js script onto Firefox then Firefox res

[greasemonkey-users] Refer to class="aaa bbb ccc" ?

2015-06-15 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I want to hide an element witht the following code: ... The following does NOT work: GM_addStyle(".aaa .bbb .ccc { display: none !important; }"); How else can I refer to that div? Ben -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "greasemonkey-users" group

[greasemonkey-users] How to remove/hide enclosing element which contains a ONLY a element?

2015-06-16 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have the following HTML code: ... ...foobar..aabbcc.. ... ... blah blahother text ... ... Now I want to remove/hide only all these (innermost) elements which contains only elements + additional white spaces bu

[greasemonkey-users] Now 3 (!) installation confirmation popups when dragging *.user.js script onto Firefox

2015-06-28 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
It happened somewhere a couple of month ago. I cannot figure out if it happened with a new release of Firefox or GM. When I dragged a new/modified *.user.js script onto Firefox suddenly TWO (!) installation confirmation popups appeared. Some people promised a fix for this issue. Now since a fe

[greasemonkey-users] How to overwrite "white-space: nowrap" ?

2015-07-19 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume a webpage has a CSS difition like .mytag { ... white-space: nowrap; } If I delete the line with "white-space" in Firebug then the layout/printout looks good. So I searched for a way to programmatically remove the white-space entry. The following does NOT work: GM_addSt

[greasemonkey-users] How to overwrite inline style for element tag?

2015-09-19 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have a webpage with the following HTML code: How can I overwrite the "margin-top" inline style value by e.g. 10 ? Aftwerwards the following statement should become effective: If necessary jQuery can be used. Thank you Ben -- You received this message because you are sub

[greasemonkey-users] How to change inline property value?

2015-11-28 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have the following HTML code of the original web page: . How do I switch the value from "true" to "false"? Ben -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "greasemonkey-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving em

[greasemonkey-users] How to hide the following 4 brother elements?

2015-12-12 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have an original web page with the following simplified structure: foobar: blahblah ...1324. .dummy.. .. this text should be kept Now I want to hide (or delete) all 4 brother elements (not only their content) which follow immediately af

[greasemonkey-users] getElementsByClassName() for multiple classnames concatenated by blank?

2016-02-07 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I want to get the content of the following (inner) element and put it at another position: .. then the following code (in an GM script) does not work: var pane = document.getElementsByClass("aaa bbb ccc")[0]; var target = document.getElementsByClass("foobar")[0]; target = pane.in

[greasemonkey-users] Replacing/adding one class to element?

2016-03-29 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I original web page has an element like .. Now I want to replace (resp. more exactly add a class to this element. It should look like afterwards as follows: .. How do I do this with GM? The class sequence "aaa bbb ccc" is NOT unique but the ID. And the class adding should o

[greasemonkey-users] How to change "style" value of element?

2016-03-30 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have an original HTML code like: ... This should be changed by GM to: ... How can I achieve this? Ben -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "greasemonkey-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,

[greasemonkey-users] How to execute GM_addStyle() command with 5 seconds delay?

2016-04-16 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I want to execute the following statement with a delay of 5 seconds (to allow loading the web page at first completely): GM_addStyle("#aaa { display: none !important; }"); then the following GM code does NOT work: window.setTimeout(function() { GM_addStyle("#aaa { display: none !importan

[greasemonkey-users] How to hide/remove this ebay ad element?

2016-04-18 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
At first the the sample page (of german ebay): http://www.ebay.de/itm/5-L-LITER-CASTROL-EDGE-FST-5W-30-MOTOR-OL-MOTOREN-OL-VW-AUDI-SEAT-504-00-507- 00-/371288685142?hash=item567287ba56:g:BT0AAOSw8-tWULh1 I want ot get rid of the ad-strip in the mid with the label "Käufer haben sich auch folgende

[greasemonkey-users] How to mask/allow special chars in GM scripts?

2016-04-28 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I want to add a script which contains the following jQuery instruction: $("div:contains('© 1997 20')").eq(($("div:contains('© 1997 20')").length) - 1).css("display", "none"); When I drag the script (lets call it myscript.user.js) onto Firefox v46 under Win 7 then it is not installed but the con

[greasemonkey-users] @include but only for URLs with trailing (sub)path (at least one char) ?

2016-05-09 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I setup a GM script with the following (simplyfied) meta tag: // @include http://*.foobar.com/* I thought that the trailing wildcard * should tell GM to apply script ONLY if there is something (at least ONE char) following the domain name but this is not the case. How can I setup the @

[greasemonkey-users] How to delete a CSS statement from GM? Or delete at least a "width" attribute within a CSS statement?

2016-06-16 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assuem I have a CSS for a web page like .content > img { width: 100% !important; } Now I want to delete this statement from a Greasemonkey script. How do I do this? The following commands do NOT work: GM_addStyle(".content > img { !important; }"); or GM_addStyle(".content > img { width !

[greasemonkey-users] Do GM scripts in Firefox for Android work as well? UserAgent for Firefox under Android?

2016-10-15 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Currently I use GM script only in Firefox for Windows. However I am considering to copy them to my Android Tablet as well. Do GM scripts in Firefox for Android work as well? What is the UserAgent indentification string for Firefox under Android? Ben -- You received this message because you

[greasemonkey-users] @require library A OR library B possible?

2016-11-04 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I am using sometimes a GM script header statement like // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js in my GM scripts. It works in general. Now it occurs occasionally that the jquery.com server seems not available and a download error popup appears when the GM script is executed.

[greasemonkey-users] @include and @exclude problem depending on the number of subfolders in URL

2017-04-14 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
I have to setup two GM scripts which are reponsible for two kind of webpages from one domain depending on the number of subfolders after the domain part. GM script 1 should be applied to all URLs which contain exactly TWO subfolder. Examples (mind the trailing slashes): http://www.foobar.com/aa

[greasemonkey-users] How are NTFS Hard Links treated when copying/Cloning a directory tree?

2017-04-19 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Assume I have a directory D:\mytools\foobar\hardfolder\ and a NTFS Hard Link to exactly this folder in another directory D:\otherdir\work\hardfolder\ So both point to the same physical directory on the source partition. Now I start a copy or clone operation with XXCOPY. How does XXCOPY treat t

[greasemonkey-users] My old Greasemonkey scripts do not work any more for Firefox v57 and GM v4.0

2017-11-21 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Today I updated Firefox to new 64bit v57 and to Greasemonkey AddOn v4.0 As far as I can see all my old scripts do not work any more. Unfortunately I cannot figure out if the update to GM 4.0 or the update to Firefox v57 causes the trouble. Do others have the same problems? Or do I have to adju

[greasemonkey-users] No drag & drop of *.user.js script files from WinExplorer onto Firefox v57 window any more?

2017-11-22 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
In the past I dragged edited *.user.js script fils from Windows Explorer (on Win 7) onto the Firefox window. I had to confirm "installation" and it worked. Since update to Firefox v57 and GM v4.0 this is not possible any more. After dragging such a file Firefox shows me the source code of the *.

[greasemonkey-users] @include with wildcards in the middle (=not only at the end of URL) possible?

2017-12-18 Thread 'Ben Stover' via greasemonkey-users
Is it possible to put a "*" wildcard somewhere in the middle of the URL of an @include statement? For example is the following meta tag statement valid: // @include https://www.foobar.com/aaa/*blah/othersubdir/* Ben -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl