*an interesting observation on the recent uprising of Dalit Sikhs in

Dear Friends


My condolences on the unfortunate death of a Dalit-Sikh religious leader in
Austria. The group represented by him is one of the main Dalit groups in
Punjab and Haryana that is trying to fight the caste oppression and has been
instrumental in  mobilizing the Dalit Sikh across the globe. The group is
known for adopting peaceful means for the rights of the dalit sikhs.

This was waiting to happen and I fear that there is going to be lot more
violence in the near future in Punjab and Haryana. Since last one decade
there has been underlying tensions in Punjab especially the Doab area (areas
surrounding jalandhar)  where lots of Dalits have migrated to US and
European countries and are earning well.

Before the immigration thing the Dalits never used to assert themselves in
Punjab within the Sikhism fold. There has been undercurrents , impact left
of adi-dharmi movement but that was against Hinduism and caste system per
se. They never challenged the Sikh clergies and the strong hold of jat and
khatri sikhs on Punjab social, political and economic scene.

However, with the remittance money coming they have now started to build
their own gurudwaras almost in each village of that region. The assertion
has come via NRI Dalits in this region. The Dalit NRIs started to build the
ravidas temples since 60s onwards mainly in Canada, US, Germany and few
other european countries and they also gave donations to local gurudwaras in
their native villages. But they also demanded equal control of gurudwaras
assets which the Sikh clergy dominated by jat sikhs everywhere refused to
share the control. One of the prime example was talhan case that happened
2-3 years ago. the violence in talhan happened over control of the local

Simultaneously Punjab also have history of deras (small sects) which have
huge followings among the dalit Sikhs. But these deras never talk about
caste oppression or caste inequality. They talk about equality in the sugar
coated words and are less rigid then jat Sikh control mainstream Sikh

However their large following among the Dalits have made them the target of
jat Sikhs and their party like SAD as they fear that these sects later might
become the power centre for dalit assertions. therefore u wil see lots of
violence and persecution of these dera heads in recent times by mainstream
Sikhs on flimsy grounds ( for example last year persecution of guru ram
raheem of dera saccha sauda which is headed by non-dalit but has large Dalit
Sikh followings).

Till now the Jat Sikhs (and SAD) never targeted the Dalit groups like
Ravidas samaj because it will be overtly casteist and the rupture within the
Sikh society will become open. So they targeted only these Deras and asked
them to confirm to Sikh religion almost at the lines of Taliban.

However, i feel we have reached to the flash point and I fear that there
will be huge persecution of dalit Sikhs as the entire state apparatus is
with the jat sikhs. The RSS also share a very strong relationship with SAD
and fights election together with SAD in Delhi and Punjab since a decade

I am confident that Congress doesn't have guts to take a stand in this issue
as they are already targeted for being anti-Sikh. Being a secular party i
don't think they will even want to take a stand on 'religious' issue.

Lets see what happens in the future.  I fear the same treatment for dalit
Sikh that happened to Christians in kandhmal (all were Dalits) in orissa but
things are little better as there is a large NRI Dalit Sikh population which
will make their task of persecuting Dalits in punjab little difficult.

"Rosa sat so Martin could walk; Martin walked so Obama could run, Obama ran
so your children can fly"


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