<<‘They justified the killing of Hindus!”
“They ask — how dare the tricolour yatra be taken out without permission;
why raise incendiary slogans like Bharat Mata ki Jai in the first place…”

These are the kind of intemperate posts that are being published about
Pankaj Jha and me in a Facebook page titled ‘Dainik Bharat’, which is in
the business of spreading rumours and inciting riots. The rumour machine is
working overtime and an indiscriminate public is under its sway. The state
of affairs is such that journalists who are bringing you the facts are
being threatened with death. So much so that even their families are not
being spared.
The threat to kidnap a journalist’s daughter marks a new low. Any
Hindu-Muslim conflict takes place in an explosive atmosphere of heightened
tension and emotions. One inflammatory statement is like throwing a burning
matchstick in a tinderbox. If such attempts to vitiate the atmosphere were
the handiwork solely of some extremist organisation, it would still be
understandable. In this instance it was mainstream journalists who
conveniently dispensed with facts to present a patently false picture of
the incident before the people of the country.
Considering that the Muslims  of Kasganj were also raising the Indian flag,
why were they declared ‘enemies of the tricolour’? Moreover, when the
Muslim community too was raising the Indian tricolour, how right is it to
make statements about Pakistans flourishing in India?>>]


How Much More Blood Do TV Anchors Want to See Spilled?


ON 04/02/2018

Some TV channels deliberately spread a made-up story of how the Muslims of
Kasganj were protesting against the national flag.

Screenshot of AajTak, whose coverage of the Kasganj riot has been
criticised for displaying bias.

‘They justified the killing of Hindus!”
“They ask — how dare the tricolour yatra be taken out without permission;
why raise incendiary slogans like Bharat Mata ki Jai in the first place…”

These are the kind of intemperate posts that are being published about
Pankaj Jha and me in a Facebook page titled ‘Dainik Bharat’, which is in
the business of spreading rumours and inciting riots. The rumour machine is
working overtime and an indiscriminate public is under its sway. The state
of affairs is such that journalists who are bringing you the facts are
being threatened with death. So much so that even their families are not
being spared.

Pankaj Jha travelled to Kasganj and produced a report on the incident that
had transpired there – without any hype and without blaming anybody in
particular. The results of that are there for you to see. Read what he has
posted on his Twitter account:

“Since morning I have been receiving one telephone call after another from
a certain type of people who vilify me, threaten to kill me and provoke me
by saying they will kidnap my daughter. They ask, do we now need permission
even to take out a tricolour procession? But the person who said so was the
DM of Kasganj. Shouldn’t this question be posed to him? In all my years of
journalism I never imagined things would come to this pass. I have stopped
taking calls from these telephone numbers. You want to know why — because
what comes from the other side is a fusillade of abuse and threats to shoot
me down.”

The threat to kidnap a journalist’s daughter marks a new low. Any
Hindu-Muslim conflict takes place in an explosive atmosphere of heightened
tension and emotions. One inflammatory statement is like throwing a burning
matchstick in a tinderbox. If such attempts to vitiate the atmosphere were
the handiwork solely of some extremist organisation, it would still be
understandable. In this instance it was mainstream journalists who
conveniently dispensed with facts to present a patently false picture of
the incident before the people of the country.

Pay attention to this one TV news anchor’s hectoring statements/questions:

Are we going to have conflicts over the issue of flying the national flag
within our own country?
If not in India, where will the tricolour be raised? In Pakistan?
Who are the real enemies of the tricolour in Kasganj? Why isn’t the police
disclosing their names?
How many such Pakistans are flourishing in India?
Are Vande Mataram and Bharat Mata ki Jai communal slogans?

Note the tenor of the third statement/question – who are the real enemies
of the tricolour in Kasganj? The Muslims too were waving the national flag
– why was this fact hidden? This fact has been confirmed by pictures and by
the statements of IG Thakur himself. You don’t even need to do some great
investigative journalism for it.

The administration has admitted that permission had not been granted for
the tricolour procession. However, the anchor of that news channel
conveniently branded a specific community as Pakistani on day one itself.

Considering that the Muslims  of Kasganj were also raising the Indian flag,
why were they declared ‘enemies of the tricolour’? Moreover, when the
Muslim community too was raising the Indian tricolour, how right is it to
make statements about Pakistans flourishing in India?

When the atmosphere is rife with tension as it is, what is the need to
bring Pakistan into the debate? For whose political benefit are such
statements being made?

The matter does not end there. There is no apology forthcoming even after
the lie has been caught. No action is taken against those who willfully
spread falsehoods. A journalist belonging to the same flock went so far as
to declare dead a man who is alive and well, bless him. But on social
media, what made waves was the ‘news’ that along with Chandan Gupta, one
Rahul Upadhyaya too fell victim to bullets fired  during the clash.

Since when has the media started dealing in erroneous statements, plain
lies and partial facts, that too with regard to a communal clash? It is not
that the media is error-proof but to do so deliberately is another matter.
Is it not true that the news channel in question had to send another
reporter to Kasganj to rectify its earlier version by filing a new report –
a report that is exactly the opposite of the earlier programme of
falsehood? If what you said then was the truth, why didn’t you stick to it?
That is because the television news channel in question knows it committed
a mistake. Except it is not an ordinary mistake.

Through your programme you have ensured the spread of an entirely
make-believe protest against the Indian national flag by the Muslims of
Kasganj. The consequences of this anchor’s lie will not be borne by members
of just one community; the hatred that is being sown will be reaped by
anybody who is touched by it. The raging fire of communalism is not in the
least selective; it doesn’t ask for someone’s religion before burning his
house down. Its fury is democratic – it devours everybody equally.

Journalists like Pankaj Jha and I also happen to be among those who are
bearing the brunt of this anchor’s lie. I challenge you to prove that
Pankaj and I have held Chandan Gupta’s killing to be justified. Whatever we
had to say is out there in the public domain – in our reports and blogs.

We were only interested in being factual, as it should be. The question
however is this: what is the accountability of the kind of news anchoring
that fans violence in society? By keeping Hindu-Muslim tensions on the
boil, whose political vested interests are they promoting? Did the District
Magistrate of Bareilly, Raghavendra Vikram Singh, not ask as to why such
processions were taken out through Muslim dominated neighbourhoods and why
such inflammatory slogans were raised? Let me clarify once again that
Bharat Mata ki Jai and Vande Mataram are not provocative slogans, but to
enter that neighbourhood and raise taunting slogans about Pakistan most
definitely is.

For that matter, did the Uttar Pradesh governor, Ram Naik, not describe the
Kasganj riots as a blot on the state? Now what do you have to say about
him? We can’t dub him anti-national, can we?

The problem is that reporting on communal clashes is becoming more and more
difficult by the day. In a conflict between two communities, there are
those from the majority community who want the media to declare the other
community as eternal villains of the piece.

The thing is, reporting by its very nature cannot be majoritarian. It is
true that Chandan Gupta was a Hindu, but that is no excuse for you to
broadcast a lie and vitiate the atmosphere even more. How many more Chandan
Guptas do these anchors want to see sacrificed?

Most importantly, you are not even speaking in the interest of Hindus. You
are just an unofficial spokesperson of one particular political party. By
fomenting tensions between Hindus and Muslims you are merely carrying out
that party’s political agenda.

Spoiling the atmosphere, spoiling the peace – is this your idea of love for
your country? Your desire that the country is kept on the boil – is this
your idea of patriotism? Why are you intent on distracting the people,
drawing their attention away from fundamental issues such as farmers’ woes,
the concerns of employed sections, and the failures of the government? For
a moment let’s accept that you are a hanger-on of the political party in
question. However, by fomenting instability in the country how are you
helping to make Modiji’s dream of ‘Make in India’ become a reality?
Demonstrate your political loyalty skillfully at least.

If extremist groups are entering the political mainstream, it is because
they know a sizeable section of the media, commanding a huge audience, is
willing to project them. There is nothing cloak-and-dagger about the crimes
committed by these groups either; on the contrary, they capture their
misdeeds on camera because they know a part of the media is all prepared to
derail the issue by showing them as the victims.

By providing a platform for such groups you are putting the lives of
ordinary Indians in jeopardy, toying with our children’s lives and their
futures. You are not just indulging in dishonest journalism but also
committing injustice against the country’s most important and fundamental
unit – our families. You are attacking their peace of mind and well-being.
Both as a journalist and as a father this is completely unacceptable to me.

The writer is a senior television journalist with ABP News. This article
was originally published on his Facebook page.

Translated from the Hindi original by Chitra Padmanabhan
Peace Is Doable

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