May find the following relevant in the current context.

*Encounter or Murder?*

*By Sukla Sen*

29 June 2004

*F*our bodies, four blood stained motionless bodies - fully stretched, lying
side by side on their backs close to the central divider of the road, only
part of which is visible, perhaps wide enough to allow the traffic to flow,
perhaps with speed somewhat lowered down. In the foreground lies a girl,
with hands on her sides, calm and serene - even if looking a bit helpless,
clad in a striped matching kurta-pyjama - in soft orange. While one foot is
clad, the other one is bare - the helplessness is somewhat accentuated. An
Indica in contrasting blue forms the backdrop. The number plate is clearly
visible : MH-02-JA-4786.

This is a visual that has assaulted us too many times over the last three
weeks. Thanks to the electronic, and print, media. No, itís not a shot from
a promo for a soon-to-be-released Bollywood film. It's real.

On 15th June, the Ahmedabd police claimed to have killed the four terrorists
in Indica car, at a desolate location near Kotarpur on the outskirts of
Ahmedabad, on their way to the city, after a thrilling chase in a pre-dawn
ëencounterí, on a deadly mission to assassinate Narendra Modi, the Chief
Minister of Gujarat. The bullet ridden bodies were neatly arranged on the
road on display before the clicking and roving cameras for the benefit of
millions of (voyeuristic?) viewers. The terrorists, it has been claimed, are
from the Pakistan based Lashkar-e Toiba. Two are from Pakistan, and the
other two, including the nineteen year girl, are Indians. The lifeless
bodies were prized trophies, on display, won in a hardly fought battle in an
ongoing war - war against ëterrorismí, led by the ubiquitous enemy.

But the expected applaud got severely marred. Cynics and sceptics raised
uncomfortable questions, found serious flaws with the script. How come in an
ëencounterí - fire having been exchanged between the police force and the
terrorists carrying AK-56, no one from the police suffered even a minor
scratch? While the bullets killing the ëterroristsí pierced through
the rear glass, why there was no sign of the car coming to a sudden halt
(with punctured tyres) or having gone out of control?

Then the timing was evidently suspect. Modi was facing perhaps the most
serious crisis in his political career having been under attack from the
foremost national leader of his own party, and also rebels from the state
party unit. And no proof whatsoever, except for the claim of an
advance tip off, was provided to substantiate the story that the deceased
were out to kill Modi. Amarsinh Chaudhary, the opposition leader from the
Congress - and an ex-CM himself, openly alleged that the ëencounterí was
fake and the story was concocted to generate sympathy and support for the
cornered Modi.

Till date the Gujarat, and Maharashtra, police have failed to produce any
evidence that the nineteen year old girl, Ishrat Jahan Shaikh - a resident
of Mumbra, some 35 km north of Mumbai, and second year BSc student in a city
college, had any criminal antecedents. Faced with a barrage of criticism,
particularly on account the perceived innocence of Ishrat, Ahmedabad police
belatedly produced a hand-written diary, purportedly of hers, showing
receipts and transactions of large sums of money. Not only the diary remains
to be checked by handwriting expert(s) to verify the claim as regards its
authorship, the fact that the rent for the meagre single room flat, where
her rather largish family resides, remains to be paid for the last seven
months flies in the face of such hypothesis.

The other one identified as Indian is Javed Gulam Mohammed Shaikh, who had
earlier been Pranesh Kumar Pillai, is a married man of 32 years - a
Malayalee and a resident of Pune. Javed, the father of three, appears to be
a shady character. But nothing goes to show that he was a terrorist - at
least as yet.

The other two were identified as Pakistanis. The Ahmedabad police claimed to
have full details of their names and residences in Pakistan. But when the
external affairs ministry was approached for handing over their bodies to
the Pakistan high commission, the ministry asked for further clarification
and confirmation.

Many questions remain unanswered. There is also a report that the deceased
had been in the custody of Surat police, in Gujarat, before the incident.
The post mortem reports, if honestly done, can throw some light on how these
four were killed. But there is no word in the media as yet on
these. What is of central importance here is to find the precise nature of
the ëencounterí. It is even more important than verifying the veracity of
the seemingly fantastic claim that the deceased were out to kill Modi. In a
civilised society even the proven criminals are treated as per the
provisions of law. In fact that is a principal marker how civilised a state
and society is. Unbridled state terrorism is definitely no answer to
non-state terrorism. Innocent citizens, most often, have to pay the price in
terms of their lives as the victims of the both varieties of terrorism.

The National Human Rights Commission, three days after the incident, sought
a report from Gujarat police. Taking suo moto cognisance of media reports,
the NHRC has directed the Gujarat Director General of Police and Ahmedabad
Senior Superintendent of Police to ensure the probe is
undertaken as per the guidelines of the Commission and furnish a report
within six weeks.

But given the seriousness of the allegations and counter-allegations made,
and grave implications of either, a full-scale judicial enquiry headed by a
serving supreme court judge, assisted by a team of dedicated professional
investigators, is very much the need of the hour. The government of
India must move in that direction without any further loss of time.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:21 AM, amina yousuf <>wrote:

> *
> *
> *Ishrat Jahan encounter: HC asks for team of ADGs to reinvestigate case*
> *Express News Service* Posted online: Saturday , Aug 08, 2009 at 0152 hrs
> *Ahmedabad : *In a significant development, the Gujarat High Court on
> Friday directed the state government to submit a list of police officers of
> the rank of Additional Director Generals (ADGs) to explore the possibility
> of setting up a three-member committee for a fresh investigation into the
> killing of Ishrat Jahan.
> A suspected Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) operative, Ishrat was killed on the
> outskirts of the city on June 2004.
> The court fixed August 12 for the final order after Public Prosecutor J M
> Panchal and Advocate General Kamal Trivedi submitted before the court that
> the state government will furnish a list of ADGs on August 12.
> Justice K S Zhaveri issued the direction on a petition by Ishrat’s mother
> Shameema Kausar who had submitted that her daughter was not linked to any
> terrorist organisation, and that it was a cold-blooded murder.
> Through her advocate Mukul Sinha, she had asked for a fresh investigation
> by a team from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). She had said that
> she did not trust investigations by the Ahmedabad City Detection of Crime
> Branch (DCB).
> Investigations under the supervision of the then Deputy Superintendent of
> Police Parikshitaben Gurjar, however, concluded that it was not a fake
> encounter.
> The four killed, along with Ishrat Jahan, were LeT operatives and two of
> them were from Pakistan, the investigations revealed.
> Ishrat’s husband Praneshkumar Pillai, who had converted to Islam for
> marrying Ishrat and had changed his name to Javed, was reported to have
> taken training in Pakistan.
> According to the DCB, they were on a mission to kill Chief Minister
> Narendra Modi and senior BJP leaders to avenge the Gujarat riots.
> The case was closed by filing a summary report before the Ahmedabad POTA
> court.
> Ishrat, travelling with Javed and two others in an Indica car with a
> Maharashtra registration number, was gunned down at Kotarpur near Indira
> Bridge on the Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar highway.
> D G Vanzara, Rajkumar Pandian and Narendra Amin were among the officers
> involved in the encounter.
> The three are, at present, lodged in the Sabarmati Central Jail for their
> involvement in the Sohrabuddin Shaikh fake encounter case and the subsequent
> murder of his wife, Kausarbi.
>  __._,_.___
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