Hi hany,

This is what Ashley wrote in response to your comment. I am posting this bz
he is not a member of greenyouth and i have made the initial posting of his
article. I have also invited him to greenyouth


Dear Ranjit,

Please post this on my behalf on greenyouth as I am not a member.


In reponse to Dr. Hany Babu's retort to my article:

Seeking police protection in advance is wise because then they cannot stand
by as mute witnesses but have to take action. I also meant asking students
to act as security and not just depend on the police as we have done in the
past at such events.

The second reason offered by Dr. Babu does not make any sense in relation to
dependence or the lack of it on the police. Demonstrations are fine but not
unless they are consolidated with consistent action. We had a great
demonstration early this year over the History Department vndalism by the
same people and at the close of the year we have this. What does that prove?
That coming out in hundreds on one day means nothing in the long run.

I was well aware of the reactions of the audience (much of it was in the
press release) and I commend them, But these are simply not enough. Geelani
was spat upon and humiiated, microphones broken, tables and chairs
vandalised, windows broken. All of this can and must be avoided in the
future by creating a strong secular student-teacher body like the erstwhile
Delhi University Forum for Democracy. That it died is indication of the
whole point of my article. That the Right organises and consolidates well
and we on the secular front and the Left don't.

We need to learn from that and organise and consistently fight against these
fascist goons.


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