QuoteBut feeding its people and funding its industry is going to be huge
drain on the country's treasury.

That's a huge nasty joke!
Whose "country" and whose "treasury"!?

Beyond that, even an economist of the reputation - and with somewhat
conservative orientation - of Amartya Sen has repeatedly pointed out that
"investing" in people's health and education is a very prudent and necessary
"investment" - it raises the quality of humanpower manifold and thereby the
productive capacity of the country as a whole.
This is apart from the fact that raising the quality of human life is an
objective more than worth pursuing just for that.

So this scaremongering is a routine part of the campaign of the "corporate
world" to promote its project of selfish,and shortsighted, loot.


On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 12:40 AM, saeed patel <saeed...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>    Feeding the poor strains India's finances
>    By Shilpa Kannan
> India Business Report, BBC World, Delhi
>   [image: Pushpa's family] With many mouths to feed, Pushpa is struggling.
> *Finding rice to feed her family is a daily struggle for 30-year-old
> mother Pushpa.*
> Pushpa lives with her ailing in-laws, five children and her husband in a
> crowded slum in east Delhi.
> Pushpa's husband earns about $10 a month selling herbal medicine - so
> several days a month, the family has to go to bed hungry.
> Two of her five children have been in and out of hospitals for severe
> malnutrition.
> In the heart of Delhi, families such as Pushpa's are registered with the
> government and have been issued identity cards that entitle them to
> subsidised rice.
> But they rarely get their share.
> Pushpa is angry.
> "I voted this government into power but to no avail," she says. "No one is
> taking care of us.
> "We even have our identity cards that entitle us to subsidised food. The
> government has promised us cheap rice and wheat, but we get nothing.
> "My children are dying of hunger. How can I feed them? They keep falling
> sick."
> *Costly malnutrition*
>    [image: Grain market]
>  *The proposed Food security act will guarantee 25 kilograms of food grain
> to the poorest people at a subsidised cost*
>  Parshuram Ray, the director of Centre for Environment and Food Security
> That is why non-governmental organisations such as the Centre for
> Environment and Food Security are now campaigning for the government to
> guarantee food as a basic right to poor people.
> Despite government food schemes having existed for more than 30 years,
> Indian malnutrition and child mortality rates are worse than in Sub-Saharan
> Africa.
> Even in urban centres such as Delhi there are millions of people who cannot
> afford to eat.
> By some estimates, malnutrition has led to an economic loss of $29bn a year
> - equivlent to almost 4% of India's gross domestic product, or GDP.
> *Right to food*
> Parshuram Ray, the director of Centre for Environment and Food Security,
> says almost 80% of Indians do not get enough to eat.
>    [image: Chandrajit Banerjee]
>  *We want it to be more investment oriented, more infrastructure projects,
> simplification of tax procedures, rationalisation - rather than major cuts
> in taxes, which the government can't afford at this point of time*
>  Chandrajit Banerjee, director of the Confederation of Indian Industry
> "The proposed Food security act will guarantee 25 kilograms of food grain
> to the poorest people at a subsidised cost," he says.
> "It also gives people the right to go to courts and demand their right to
> food. If not delivered, officials can be held responsible and it will be a
> punishable offence."
> A law that guarantees food security can be life-changing for poor people.
> But it is the implementation of this law that is worrying industrialists.
> While nobody disagrees with the law, its cost might exceed $10m.
> Add that to the existing welfare schemes, such as the National Rural
> Employment, the fertilizer subsidies, or the waiver of crop loans for
> farmers - as well as the fuel subsidy for Indian consumers - and the
> handouts bill is pretty high.
> *Rising spending*
> In April this year, total government spending reached $13.5bn, up 43% from
> the same period last year.
>    [image: Abdul Rashid]
>  *If the government helps us with tax incentives, interest subsidies and
> post-export incentives, it will not just help us keep the company running,
> but also help our employees*
>  Abdul Rashid, director, National Masala Mills
> Critics fear that if the government continues to spend at this pace it will
> have huge negative implications for the Indian economy.
> The borrowing target has already been raised to $76bn for this year from an
> earlier prediction of $62bn.
> The current government has been voted in on a powerful mandate so the
> expectation from both people and the industry for the upcoming budget is
> running high.
> While poor people such as Pushpa are looking for a respite from their
> troubles, lobby groups and industrialists are knocking on the doors of the
> finance ministry to make sure their voice is heard too.
> India has announced three stimulus packages for the industry since
> December. Taxes on consumer products have been cut in an effort to boost
> consumer demand.
> But the widening fiscal deficit is still worrying the Indian Industry. Some
> estimate that the government is spending 7% more than it is getting in from
> taxes and other income sources.
> Such a 7% fiscal deficit would be the highest in 19 years.
> *Investment budget*
> As a result of the government's financial constraints, industry expects
> less assistance in this budget.
>   [image: Spice factory] Exporters want credit subsidies kept in place.
> Chandrajit Banerjee, director of the Confederation of Indian Industry, says
> industry will look at the budget in a manner where you get the benefits
> without much of a fiscal stimulus.
> He says that Budget 2009-10 should be an "investment budget" to enable
> India to deal with the global economic crisis and aim at leading the economy
> to a growth rate in excess of 8% in the coming year.
> "Therefore we want it to be more investment oriented, more infrastructure
> projects, simplification of tax procedures, rationalisation - rather than
> major cuts in taxes, which the government can't afford at this point of
> time."
> *Cheap credit*
> But smaller companies are worried.
>   [image: Women drinking tea] The failure to feed the poor is costing vast
> sums every year.
> National Masala Mills is an exporter of Indian spices to the Middle East,
> UK and Africa.
> In its factory on the outskirts of Delhi, hundreds of women are employed to
> clean, sort and grade their spices.
> The air is heavy and pungent as women dressed in bright red tunics are
> cleaning baskets of red chillies.
> The chillies are then machine ground and filled into sacks ready to be
> exported.
> The global economic crisis has been a huge blow to National Masala Mills.
> So the company has high hopes that the upcoming budget will provide them
> with a stimulus package.
> Company director Abdul Rashid says they support more than 4,000 families in
> procuring raw material, manufacturing and marketing their spices.
> "If the government helps us with tax incentives, interest subsidies and
> post-export incentives, it will not just help us keep the company running,
> but also help our employees," he says.
> Exporters are usually provided credit at a rate that is some 2.5 percentage
> points below the prime lending rate (PLR) of banks.
> But this arrangement comes to an end on 30 September this year. So Mr
> Rashid wants an extension of interest subsidy for the sector to help access
> cheap credit and remain competitive.
> *Huge drain*
> Back in the Delhi slums, Pushpa and her neighbours settle down for their
> evening prayers.
> As they huddle together singing Hindi hymns thanking god for their daily
> bread, children line up for free sweets at the end of the session.
> Many others hope Pranab Mukherjee, India's finance minister, will hand out
> sweeteners of his own.
> But feeding its people and funding its industry is going to be huge drain
> on the country's treasury.
> And it remains to be seen whether the finance minister can deliver the
> economic miracles that millions of people want.
> ------------------------------
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