South Asians Against Nukes - Year 11
July 9, 2009


[What good is a ban if India’s ability to purchase nuclear fuel and reactors
from the G8 or NSG countries is not affected? So what is this noise about?

o o o

The Hindu, July 11, 2009

G8 blocks ‘full’ nuclear trade with India

by Siddharth Varadarajan

Adopts rules making fuel cycle transfers conditional on NPT

New Delhi: Less than a year after the Nuclear Suppliers Group waived its
export rules to allow the sale of nuclear equipment, fuel and technology to
India, the United States has persuaded the G8 to ban the transfer of
enrichment and reprocessing (ENR) items to countries which have not signed
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including India.

The move, which effectively negates the promise of “full” civil nuclear
cooperation lying at the heart of the 2005 India-U.S. nuclear agreement,
took the Indian establishment by surprise with officials unaware that the G8
was even adopting such a measure at L’Aquila, Italy. That this was done at a
summit in which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was an invited guest is likely
to add insult to injury when the full implications of the latest decision
fully sink in.

The ban, buried deep within a separate G8 statement on non-proliferation,
commits the eight countries to implement on a “national basis” the “useful
and constructive proposals” on ways of strengthening controls on ENR items
and technology “contained in the NSG’s ‘clean text’ developed at the 20
November 2008 Consultative Group meeting.”

Minimum criteria

Though the “clean text” is not a public document, a senior diplomat from a
G8 country confirmed to The Hindu that the eight countries had agreed to
certain minimum criteria — including adherence to the main instruments of
nonproliferation — as a condition for the sale of equipment and technology
destined for safeguarded ENR activities in a recipient country.

In the run-up to the final NSG plenary on India last September, Washington
sought to get New Delhi to agree that the nuclear cartel’s rule waiver would
not cover ENR transfers. But with the Indian side sticking to its guns, the
NSG finally agreed to a clean exemption allowing nuclear exports of all
kinds, including sensitive fuel-cycle-related items and technologies,
provided they were under safeguards.

Under pressure from the Bush administration, the NSG subsequently debated
new ENR rules last November but failed to evolve a consensus because of
opposition from countries like Brazil, Canada and Spain to restrictions that
would go beyond what the NPT itself provided for.

With consensus proving elusive during the recent June meeting of the
45-nation club, the Obama administration decided to decouple the question of
ENR sales to India from the NSG process — something the latest G8 agreement
on interim implementation of a national-level ban effectively does.

India’s ability to purchase nuclear fuel and reactors from the G8 or NSG
countries will be unaffected by the latest ban. Unless, of course, the new
decision becomes the trigger for attempts to further dilute or qualify the
core bargain contained in the ‘India exception’ last year.


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