1. The scope of the Commission was only to inquire into the incidents
on 19.02.2009. But the Commission had, without locus standi, gone
beyond the events that happened before that date.

2. Most of the observations of the Commission against lawyers had not
been supported by any piece of evidence.

3. In page of 5 of the report, the Commission acknowledges
registration of 110 Criminal cases against lawyers and also states
about arrest of lawyers.   No violent incident was reported during
those events. The Commission did not take note of this fact.

4. Even after noting the arrest of advocate Gini Leo Immanuel in the
Subramaniam Swamy assault case and the surrender of 14 advocates in
the High Court Police Station, the Commission states in page 10 that
some lawyers threw stones of the police. The entire version of the
police about the incident had been re-produced verbatim without caring
to verify the allegations.

5. Is the former Supreme Court Judge is foolish enough to believe the
timer in the police video to give a clean chit to the Commissioner of
Police and other officers who had admitted that they ordered lathi
charge  and they were present during the incident?

6. The Commission had completely suppressed the fact borne out by
photographs and video that police had dressed-up in lawyer’s uniform
and stage-managed the stone-throwing incident.

7. What proof did the commission rely on to state in page 15 that the
violence was started by the unruly mob of  lawyers.

8. The judge could not decipher that the whole incident was pre-
meditated, cold-blooded act of the police force, from the fact that
the DGP and the Commissioner of Police could not be contacted over
phone by the Chief Justice and other judges for a long time during the
incident. The commission is foolish or dishonest?

9. When the Commission speaks eloquently about the “soft-pedaling” by
the Chief Justice against erring lawyers, there is no whisper about
action against the inhuman policemen.

10. Special care has been taken by the Commission to protect the
Commissioner of Police Radhakrishnan and other officers.

11. The Commission merely condemns in page 19 the barbaric bleeding
assault by the police without suggesting any legal actions against
them. But on the contrary, in page 21 it had exceeded its limits by
suggesting more guidelines for the behaviour of lawyers, thus exposing
its pro-police, anti-lawyers attitude.

12. A reading of entire report by any commoner with common sense will
give an impression that the Commission is unduly concerned with the
agitations by the lawyers demanding ceasefire in Sri Lanka. Is the
Commission anti-tamil?

13. The Commission did not bother to answer the following questions:-


The Chief Justice of India
Supreme Court,
New Delhi.

A representation by Senior Advocates of the Madras High Court.

The ugly incidents that took place on the afternoon of the 19th day of
February, 2009 within the precincts of the Chartered High Court of
Madras have left scores bleeding and thousands embittered. There seems
to be an attempt to project advocates as the chief cause and
perpetrators of the violence that was unleashed inside the premises.
In this context, it is felt that a few important issues have been
overlooked in the dust and din that has been raised:

1. A large posse of regular policemen, Swift Action Group, Riot
Control Police had been gathered around the High Court premises since
morning – did the police suspect anything, was anything being

2. The police are on record saying that they were prepared – see News
Report by A.Selvaraj in the Times of India, Chennai Edition, 21-
Fen-09, at page 2.

3. It is alleged that a group of advocates created a commotion/uproar/
disturbance over the police’s laxity in filing an FIR against Shri
Subramaniam Swamy and that the police ‘action’ which ensued was the
result of trying to control this group of advocates.

4. If the police had such a large force piled up, could not this group
of advocates have been contained without much difficulty – or are the
police so inefficient that it is incapable of even this clinical

5. Was it necessary to run amok inside the High Court to control a
group of advocates, as alleged?

6. How then did the police let themselves inside the High Court
premises on the afternoon of February 19th, after the boycott had
ended? This action is indeed surprising viewed in the context of the
extreme ‘restraint’ the police had shown itself to be capable of, a
couple of months ago at the Madras Law College.

7. Worse, the police have charged inside various High Court sections
(Registry) – For one, the police have tried force their way into,
among others, the High-Court-Judges’-Personal Assistants (P.A) –
Section – this Section apparently has had a new door put up at the
entrance. Terrified court staff have locked the door from inside and
have had their backs to the door trying to resist the police men
banging at the door from gaining entry – eye-witnesses recount how the
door would open into the section about a feet, and how the staff from
inside would push it back in place, only for the door to be banged at
again by the police. The door would again have to be pushed back in
place – what did the P.A.’s do to merit this?

8. The High Court library was not spared either – library staff was

9. Why was it that the police though it fit to barge into sections
lathi charging and terrorizing the poor court staff? Even assuming the
police have a right to charge at all advocates for the commotion
created by a few, surely the Court staff are distinguishable from the
advocates by their dress?

10. Worried advocates have had to petition the Registrar General to
bring the situation into control.

11. Others, distressed advocates, had also gone to the Acting Chief
Justice’s chambers requesting that the police be directed to leave the
High Court premises – the ACJ had been in conference with a few
judges. Top brass of the police were contacted, none could be

12. The Acting Chief Justice and a few other judges had then set out
to control the scene and to take stock of the situation so as to
ensure no further harm to men and property. The Judges were then taken
to one of the sections viz. Current Section to avoid any untoward
incident. However this precaution failed as one of the Hon’ble Judges
was injured.

13. A charge is made that the B4 Police Station inside the High Court
premises was set ablaze by the advocates. Footage shown on T.V. shows
the police station, without any damage to it, surrounded by a couple
of hundred policemen including the Swift Action Group/Riot Control
Police – how then did advocates get access to the police station. Who
burned the Police Station down?

14. Police have charged indiscriminately at all advocates – photos
abound of police beating up innocent advocates huddled into a corner,
of thrashing people who were pleading with hands folded…

15. There is ample footage of advocates’ cars and motor bikes being
smashed by the policemen. Why? If there was such an emergent need for
the police to charge to contain the ‘attacking advocates’ why was it
deemed fit to stop mid way, turn their fury at the vehicles and

16. And, what of police men throwing stones on people at Court

17. The police started beating up women advocates and using abusive
language without any provocation. This treatment was also meted out to
innocent litigants who were unfortunate enough to be in the campus on
the ill-fated day. Surely a case of “protectors” turning

18. If a large group of advocates gathered and retaliated by throwing
stones, can they be accused of throwing stones without grave and
sudden provocation?

19. If a group of advocates were the first to resort to throwing
stones, why were tear gas shells/water cannons not used to contain
them? In any case, what was the need to attack, get inside the offices
of the Registry and beat up Court staff?

20. The police have also gone inside the chambers of the Acting Chief
Justice and terrorized the Acting Chief Justice’s staff.

21. Mr.Justice A.C.Arumuga Perumal Adityan was wounded in the police
‘action’ with a lathi and had to be protected by a group of advocates
who got badly injured and had to be rushed to the hospital along with
the Hon’ble Judge.

22. At least two exits from the High Court have been locked preventing
advocates, court staff and others from going outside – is a reference
to Jalianwala Bagh inappropriate?

23. Not satisfied with all the above, the police have chased advocates
even outside the High Court premises, in and around NSC Bose Road.

A very sad day for the Indian judiciary; a judiciary required to be
independent of executive interference. While there may be two opinions
on whether the preceding boycott was justified or not, the brutal
attack on the institution had nothing to do with this. It is a fact
that the Madras High Court was ransacked and vandalized by the police
who could not be controlled by even the Chennai City Police

In the light of all the above, it is submitted that advocates have a
genuine cause for anguish over this terror that has been let loose by
the police. The extent of damage caused to the person and property of
the officers of the Court stand testimony to the fact that the police
‘action’ was much more than disproportionate to the disturbances
alleged to have been caused by a group of advocates.

Thirty five senior Advocates, including R.Krishnamurthy, Habibullah
Badsha, both former Advocate Generals of the High Court, Madras,
Mr.T.R.Rajagopolan, former Additional Advocate General, Mr.N.Natarajan
and Mr.R.Gandhi, Senior Advocates met on 20.02.2009 and discussed the
serious situation in the High Court and passed the following

We the senior members of the Madras Bar place on record our strongest
disapproval of the atrocities committed by the Police, Swift Action
Group and Commandos inside the Madras High Court premises on the 19th
February 2009, brutally and indiscriminately attacking innocent
lawyers, Court staff and general public and damaging public property
as well as vehicles parked inside the campus.

We condemn the atrocious act of the Police in even attacking the
constitutional authorities – the Hon’ble Judges of the Madras High
Court, as well as the Subordinate Judiciary, this interfering with the
administration of judicial system.

We demand the prompt and severe action to be taken against the Police
officers, who issued directions to the Police to take aggressive
action against the lawyers and the Police who unleashed a reign of
terror within the High Court campus.

Be all these as they may, two urgent issues need to be addressed –
first, finding out what was the agenda behind this indiscriminate
action and secondly, and more importantly, saving the all important
institution of the High Court from the clutches of the police.

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