---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Venugopalan K M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 29, 2007 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: {greenyouth} MODERATION AND CENSORSHIP

The moderation here definitely smacks of double standards, knowingly or
unawares displayed. How the issue be got over without focusing on the
clear-cut division along the pro and anti dalit stance on either side is yet
to be seen.
 I would rather share Jenny's reservations against repeated use of
characteristically male idioms of aggression and combat though, I don't want
to support Anivar in keeping the posts of Ranjith, Geedha and a few others
under moderation. Moreover, scant attention has been given to the political
questions raised by them rather than the personality subject to their
criticisms in their postings in question.
Perhaps, one cannot always afford to behave 'gentlemanly' to the detriment
of the seriousness of the  issue trying to be raised.
(In this case, the question is why Sugatakumari gets so much of prominence;
whose credentials of concern for the rights of people marginalized by caste,
gender,oppressive sexual / moralility norms, etc , are already doubtable, or
rather tainted by her known reflections on record, in many such acts of
horror perpetrated against these sections.)

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