IMPORTANT UPDATE / Medha Patkar arrested again on her way to Badwani

TAKE ACTION :  Call or send a message to Dhar Collector : 7694868888  Dhar
SP : 9425072424 demanding them to release Medha Patkar and 9 others who
have been arrested by them on false charges.

Madhya Pradesh Government has no shame and completely lost any sense of
propriety. Early today, Medha Patkar was discharged from Bombay Hospital by
the Indore Police, after Habeas Corpus application was filed in the Court
there. Earlier CM and administration had claimed she was on hospitalized
given her failing health, but then the fact was that she was denied access
and was under complete arrest. Only after much pressurizing that one of our
colleague was given limited access to her.

Today after discharge from hospital in the afternoon, Medha ji started at 4
PM from Indore after meeting her supporters and resting a bit. All this
while she continues to fast and today is the 14th day of her fast. All 9
other activists fasting continue under arrest at Dhar District Hospital,
where limited access has been given to them.

As their vehicle was moving towards Barwani, Medha ji’s vehicle was
intercepted by nearly 35 police vehicles and been now taken over by them.
The vehicle’s driver was forced out and now TI is driving them all towards
Dhar to be produced infront of the SDM. They are now pressing charges for
the violence they unleashed on 7th evening on the protesters where they
injured 42 people. Police refused to file any FIR from the Andolan side but
in their FIR have named 35 people and another 2500 unknown persons.

This is complete travesty of justice and nothing else but every attempt at
intimidating and terrorising the Andolan.

Call or send a message to Dhar Collector : 7694868888  / 07292 - 234702

Dhar SP : 9425072424 / 07292-235228 spo...@mp.gov.in

Condemn and Demand them to release Medha Patkar and 9 others who have been
arrested by them on false charges.
Medha Ji, just after her release ...

National Alliance of People’s Movements
National Office : 6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
Phone : 011 24374535 Mobile : 09818905316
Web : www.napm-india.org | napmin...@gmail.com
Facebook : www.facebook.com/NAPMindia
Twitter : @napmindia


50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government
of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the
widespread ecological crisis that it would bring about and disrupt the
lives of lakhs of people living on its banks, forests and valleys since
thousands of years. Narmada Bachao Andolan has been on the forefront of the
struggle of the people of the Narmada against forceful and unjust
displacement. Once again, in the year 2017, the government is on a warpath
to uproot people by increasing the height of the dam without giving
compensation or rehabilitation.

Reign of Terror! 12 day non violent fast of satyagrahis broken by brutal
lathi charge. Medha and other protestors lifted by force from dharna sthal.
Many injured.
Around 2000 strong police force surrounded the satyagrah venue from all
sides. The police wore bullet proof vests and carried batons with nails
fixed on them. This was Madhya Pradesh administration's way of dealing with
a 32 year old non violent Gandhian people's movement that has set the basis
of modern methods of peaceful resistance and environmental activism across
the globe.

This was the 12 day of the fast, the health condition of protestors was
deteriorating. The government was under extreme pressure. As they are
trying to forcibly evict people from their lands without rehabilitating
them. Earlier, some half-hearted initiatives taken by the BJP government to
put an end to this non violent people's struggle has been 'online tweets'
and sending non authorized people to convince Medha Patkar to break her
fast. The governments only initiative so far in dealing the Narmada Bachao
Andolan has been lies, lies and more lies.
Narmada Bachao Andolan

The police surrounded the venue of protest in Chikkalda village from all
sides. They started tearing down the pandal and threatening people. They
lathi-charged the venue with batons fitted with nails and forcibly lifted
Medha Patkar and 5 others out of the 11 who were sitting on an indefinite
hunger strike against forcible eviction without rehabilitation in the
Narmada Valley to be caused due to illegally closing the gates of the
Sardar Sarovar Dam.
The police took them away and kept Medha Patkar in isolation at the Bombay
Hospital, Indore while other protestors were kept in a government hospital.
To dream about equality from this government is far fetched. People were
not allowed to meet Medha. Chinmay Mishra and Bilal who were on a constant
vigil at the hospital and trying to meet Medha were interrogated and
harassed by the police. And yet, the MP government kept lying to media that
Medha Patkar is not arrested and merely put into hospital as they are
worried for their health.

The struggle must go on
Medha Patkar issued a statement minutes before she was brutally picked up
from the dharna sthal.
"Today, after 12 days of fast, the Madhya Pradesh government is repying to
our indefinite strike only through police action. This is not a reply you
give to a non-violent movement. In the reign of Modi, the regime of Shivraj
Singh Chauhan, not a single dialogue has been initiated, they have only
been playing with figures, only breaking laws, only use of force. Today
they are here with police and tomorrow they plan to use water canons to
disperse us.
This is the murder of Gandhi's dreams in our country. They sitting on their
thrones, they don't follow Baba Saheb's Constitution. They don't care about
communities, farmers, fisherfolk, farm workers, nobody. It is clear now.
Wielding weapons, they threaten us a watery death, and we the protestors
are coming between them and their plan. Now they're saying break the fast
and only then will talk, but we have sought dialogue so many times before
and they never spoke, and so we are forced to sit on a fast. The non
violent movement must go to its peak now. The society must answer. They are
planning to unleash unparalleled destruction on the Narmada Valley. If
Prime Minister Modi actually plans to inaugurate the Sardar Sarovar dam
with thousands of pundits and pujaris and Chief Ministers of 12 states, it
will only give weight to our fears of how they are trying to push
development at huge human and environmental costs. People's struggles
against displacement happening around the country must draw new energy from
the Narmada Bachao Andolan. Displacement is not acceptable anymore. The
proponents of development must find alternatives."
- Medha Patkar
Leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan and National Alliance of People's
Movements, speaking minutes before her arrest by Madhya Pradesh police who
came to break her 12 day indefinite fast by force.

Pic: The batons fixed with nails which the police brought to disperse

Supreme Court to Not Interfere in The Ongoing Proceedings at Indore High
Court, Monitoring Compliance of its February 8, 2017 Order.

NBA will continue its legal and ground fight till full justice is achieved
to all in Narmada Valley

NBA will decide on continued indefinite fast of Medha Patkar and 21 others
only after she is allowed full access in hospital. As of now she remains
arrested in a Hospital in Indore.

New Delhi, August 8 :  The SLP filed by Bhagirath Dhangar and ors Vs State
of MP came today for hearing. The matter was argued by Sh Fali Nariman,
Sanjay Parikh and Prashant Bhushan. By order dated 08.02.2017, the Supreme
Court had directed rehabilitation of the oustees; SC had also said that the
oustees have to vacate, by 31.07.2017, otherwise forcible eviction will
take place. As per the said order, entire R&R and work at the
rehabilitation sites was to be completed. As R&R was not done as per SC
judgments of 2000 and 2005 and the order dated 08.02.2017, some of the
oustees had filed writ petition along with 602 interveners in HC Indore.

Against the interim order passed by the High Court, the oustees had filed
the special leave petition. The SLP was filed against the orders dated
19.06.2017 and 13.07.2017. in the order dated 13.07.2017, the High Court
had sought a report on status of rehabilitation, rehabilitation sites and
had adjouned the matter to 01.08.2017.

Today, the Supreme Court at this stage decided not to interfere with the
proceedings pending before the Indore High Court as it was against interim
orders and the High Court is already monitoring the R&R. As a matter of
fact when the writ petition came up for hearing on 01.08.2017, the HC
adjourned it to 10.08.2017, as the SLP was listed today, on 08.08.2017. Now
the High Court will continue to monitor R&R where the petition is listed
for hearing on 10.08.2017

Narmada Bachao Andolan has complete faith in that justice will be done by
the honourable judges of the Court.

After the violent attack and arrest by the MP govt on fasting protesters
yesterday, till today the access to Medha Patkar in Indore hospital and
Dharmendra Bhai, Pushpa behan and others at Dhar hospital is still
restricted. NBA condemns this and demands immediate access. As of now the
indefinite fast continues in hospital and also 10 new people have started
fasting at the Chikalda village.

Only when Medha Ji and others are released and allowed full access to her
colleagues, a decision on continuing indefinite fast will be undertaken
after collective discussions.

We will continue to fight this until justice is done to the 40,000 families
in the Narmada Valley.

Pic: Injured protestor at dharna sthal

New Delhi | August 08, 2017 : Today people across the country protested
against the high handed action of MP Police of the Dhar and Badwani
administration which used excessive force leaving 48 people injured, some
of them were admitted to ICU in Badwani.

In Delhi, more than 50 protestors marched to the MP Bhavan and submitted
the memorandum demanding immediate release of all the people from the
hospital and allow them to discuss their next course of action. Also take
action against the District Magistrate, SP and other officials responsible
for the high handedness of the Police forces and initiate dialogue with the
Narmada Bachao Andolan and solve the problems of the 40000 Saradar  Sarovar
Dam affected families. With this, a delegation of Hannan Mollah (former
MP), Yogendra Yadav (Swaraj Abhiyaan), Kavita Krishnan (AIPWA), Satyavan Ji
(AIKKMS), Manimala Ji and Snehlata Shukla (DSG) submitted the memorandum to
the Deputy Resident Commissioner and Joint Resident Commissioner under
signed by more than 30 representatives of people’s organization. Shabnam
Hashmi (ANHAD), Rajendra Ravi (NAPM), Sandeep Pandey (Socialist Party of
India), Faisal Khan (Khudai Khidmatgar), Bhupendra Singh Rawat (Jan
Sangharsh Vahini), Ramesh Sharma (SUCI (C)) and many others were part of
the protest.

Madhuresh Kumar, National Convener, NAPM gave a brief account of yesterday
incident and said that the Govt. have used these violent tactics before but
we will keep our fight on. Since yesterday Medha Patkar and others admitted
in Indore and Dhar hospitals respectively, with limited access. The Govt.
has maintained that they are concerned about their health and they are only
hospitalized. If they are hospitalized then shouldn’t they be treated like
a normal patient with visitation rights by their colleagues, friends and,
family? Govt. claim that they are concerned about their health would have
meant that, all 12 should have been kept in the same hospital at least, but
no, 9 of them are in Dhar district hospital and two Rukmani Bahan and
Bhagwati Bahan were left at the Dharna site itself where they continue to

Yogendra Yadav, expressed a serious concern and said that the we are asking
very basic things, rehabilitation of all the affected people and on the
issues, MP Govt. is lying all over and using forces on peaceful protestors.
The movement has exposed the development model and given us courage to ask
what development means for us?

Sandeep Pandey said that Govt. is not acting for the benefits of the people
but as Gujarat Govt. destroyed the Sabarmati River, now the MP Govt. and
Govt. of India are doing the same with people of Narmada Valley.

Kavita Krishnan extended her full solidarity to the people of Narmada
Valley and said that she believes that the movement will fight out the
atrocious govt and win the battle for the rights of people.

Satyavan Ji, Bhupendra Singh Rawat and many others also extended their
solidarity to the Narmada Bachao Andolan and the people and asked strict
actions against the brutal attack on the people happened yesterday evening.

We believe the whole use of force was to break their peaceful protest and
there was no concern for their well being, otherwise Govt would have
initiated dialogue much before this. Shivraj Singh’s claim to be a
sensitive CM but it is not visible in your actions. Words don’t mean
anything to us. We condemn the high handed action of police forces who came
with baton fixed with nails. This is a serious violation of human rights of
the people sitting on peaceful fast fighting against the illegal drowning
of more than 40000 families in Narmada Valley.

Series of action protest demonstration all over the country and

1.      Rome, Italy : Representation made to Indian Ambassador

2.      Harare, Zimbabwe : Representation made to Indian Ambassador

3.      Representation made to UN Rapporteur on Housing

4.      Bengaluru, Karnataka : Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) and
Green Brigade announced full pledged solidarity to Narmada Bachao Andolan
and Medha Patkar.

5.      Tumkur, Karnataka : Protest demonstration by people of various
organisations in support of NBA.

6.      Hyderabad, Telangana : Protest demonstration by Human Rights Forum
and other organisations.

7.      Pune, Maharashtra : Rally by people in support to NBA by Lokayat,
Rashtriya Seva Dal and other supporters.

8.      Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh : Silent Protest and Human Chain by
sensitive people against the brutal attack of police forces on people of
Narmada Valley.

9.      Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh : Solidarity fast against the arrest of
Medha Patkar and people of Narmada Valley by NAPM and Joint Action
committee, Varanasi.

10.  Bhubneshwar, Odisha : Protest in support of Narmada Valley by Lok
Shakti Abhiyaan and NAPM, Odisha.

11.  Chikhalda, Dhar, Madhya Pradesh : Protest by students of Salsabeel
Green School against arrest of Medha Patkar and others.

Copyright © *9-08-2017* *Narmada Bachao Andolan*, All rights reserved.

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Narmada-Ashish, Navalpura, Badwani, Madhya Pradesh -451551
Tel: 07290-291464, 291938 Fax: 07290-222549
Email: nba.badw...@gmail.com, medha.narm...@gmail.com


Medha Patkar Arrested On Her Way To Dhar, Sent To Jail
Earlier in the day, Medha Patkar was discharged from a private hospital in
Indore after her condition improved.
All India | Press Trust of India | Updated: August 09, 2017 21:13 IST
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Medha Patkar Arrested On Her Way To Dhar, Sent To Jail
Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) leader Medha Patkar was arrested today.
BHOPAL:  Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) leader Medha Patkar was arrested
today when she was on her way to Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh to meet
the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) oustees, the police said.

"We have arrested her as she insisted on going back to meet the oustees. We
have told her that it is not possible to allow her to go to Dhar as section
144, CrPc has been imposed in the area," Ajay Sharma, Additional Director
General of Police (ADGP), Indore range, said.

The police stopped Ms Patkar and informed her that she could not proceed to
Dhar, but as she refused to relent, she was placed under arrest at the
border of Indore and Dhar districts, and subsequently, taken to Dhar, he

"We will ask her to furnish a bond stating that section 144 will not be
violated. If she furnishes it, we will release her," the ADGP said.

Subsequently, Ms Patkar was produced before a sub-divisional judicial
magistrate at Dhar who sent her to jail.

Medha Patkar (62) and 11 others were forcibly removed from Chikhalda in
Dhar on August 7, where they were staging an indefinite fast demanding a
proper rehabilitation of the oustees, and were admitted in different

Earlier in the day, Ms Patkar was discharged from a private hospital in
Indore after her condition improved.

After she was discharged from the Bombay Hospital, Ms Patkar said her
indefinite fast would continue.

Ms Patkar (62) and the other activists have been fasting for 14 days.

"Medicines were administered through drips to the fasting agitators in
various hospitals but none of us has eaten food so far. We demand the
oustees be allowed to stay in their original dwellings till proper
arrangements are made for their rehabilitation," Ms Patkar, who came out of
the hospital on a wheelchair, told reporters.

She claimed that the process of rehabilitation of the displaced people in
the Narmada valley was yet to be completed.

"At many places, even drinking water is not available. But the state
government is insisting the people to go to these places. This situation is
not acceptable to the oustees and therefore, they continue to stay put at
their original dwellings," she added.

Ms Patkar said a special leave petition (SLP) came up before the Supreme
Court yesterday, but it was dismissed as a related case was pending before
the Madhya Pradesh High Court.

"The hearing in the case is scheduled tomorrow in the high court. On behalf
of the dam oustees, we appeal to the judiciary to deliver justice in the
matter," she added.

Ms Patkar termed as "incorrect" Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh
Chouhan's "claims" that different decisions of the Narmada Water Disputes
Tribunal on the issue of rehabilitation were being followed by his

"The state government is just making announcements, statements and giving
out figures, but is doing nothing on the issue," she alleged.

Asked about her future course of action, the activist said a plan to stage
a "big agitation" would be finalised soon.

Ms Patkar alleged that after her removal from the site of the fast, she was
kept in an "illegal" custody in the hospital.

"I was allowed to meet only two-three persons. They also did not allow me
to use my mobile phone," she claimed.

However, Indore Divisional Commissioner Sanjay Dube dismissed Ms Patkar's

"Every hospital has its own rules. In view of the health condition of the
patient, the management did not allow every visitor to go to the ICU (where
Patkar was admitted). Still, some were allowed to meet her," he said.

Mr Dube said Ms Patkar was admitted in the hospital on a written advice of
doctors that her life was in danger due to the fast.

Thousands of families, living along the banks of the Narmada river in
Barwani, Dhar, Alirajpur and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh, are at
the risk of getting displaced with the closing of the gates of the Sardar
Sarovar dam in neighbouring Gujarat and the resultant rise in the water
level in its catchment area.

The Centre recently gave the nod for closing the gates of the dam.

The dam is likely to be filled to its capacity by August-end.

Peace Is Doable

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