Okay, after hunting through that log, it appears that there was some version mixing going on. `\if@grenotlatex` is supposed to be defined in gregoriotex.sty, but it's a new addition to 4.2.0. The file list indicates that gregoriotex 4.1.4 was loaded, when it should have been compiling with 4.2.0.

However, gregoriotex-symbols.tex (which is the file that was raising the error) was being pulled in from the correct 4.2.0 version and thus tried to use `\if@grenotlatex`.

Further research indicates that gregoriotex.sty was being pulled from the working directory, while gregoriotex-symbols.tex was pulled from the `/usr/local/share/texmf/` tree, along with all the other GregorioTex files. I thus suspect that you, somehow, have an extra (and now stale) copy of gregoriotex.sty in the doc folder. The easiest fix, is to reclone the repository (as you indicated you did), but it should also be possible to hunt down and delete that extra copy of gregoriotex.sty.

Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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