
for quite a long time we've had the "mish-mash" situation that the GUI strings of contributed function packages are partially translated; that is, if the original English string matches something in core gretl, then it's translated - at least that's how I understand it. The problem is that almost always you then have a mix of two languages, English and the currently active one, in the packages' windows.

I think this must be fixed eventually, and here's an idea: What if we collect somehow automatically the argument label strings of the public functions of basically all existing packages, and add them to the gretl source tree to have them systematically translated by gretl's respective translators. Whether they go into the main .po files or somewhere else, I don't know, and that's secondary I'd say.

I'm sure there are some complications to be solved, but currently we don't even try to have a coherent interface there.


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