Dear Gromacs Users

I am trying to simulate glucose molecule and for that I am utilizing the
gromos53a6carbo ff downloaded from

After an successful energy minimization step, the NVT equilibration is
throwing error messages and the equilibration is getting killed.

Following is the error message (repeated no. of times):
Step 0
Step 83, time 0.166 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.000606, max 0.002103 (between atoms 16 and 17)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000
     16     17   46.6    0.1001   0.0998      0.1000

N.B. I am using gromacs 5.1.4 version.

Any kind suggestion/s will be appreciated.

Thank You

Zaved Hazarika
Research Scholar
Dept. Of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,
Tezpur University,

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