Dear all Gromacs users, I want to simulate prolactin receptor in a mixed 
DPPC-DMPC bilayer. At first, I will insert the trans membrane part of the 
protein (prolactin receptor) in the bilayer and do the necessary modifications 
to the FF, according to the Justin,s membrane protein tutorial.
It should be mentioned that, the part of the prolactin receptor which connects 
to the prolactin, is out of membrane and has separate pdb code in OPM 
(orientations of Membrane Proteins) and protein data bank.Now the question:** 
How can I connect the out of membrane part of the prolactin receptor to its 
trans membrane part ( which has been inserted in the membrane).My goal is to 
simulate both transmembrane and out of membrane parts of the receptor 
Thanks for your time and kind considerationNegar

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