Hi all,

I want to calculate the number of clusters of my glycine molecules during the 
course of my simulation. I have read that gmx clustsize is the correct command 
to use. I read on one of the previous threads that I will have to create a 
separate tpr file for the molecules of interest. I also stripped the original 
trajectory to make a new one with glycine molecules only. I run the command 

gmx clustsize -f glycine.gro -s glycine.tpr -nc nclust.xvg -mol

I get an error message saying that gromacs only finds 1 cluster but this is 
contradictory to what I am seeing when I viewed the trajectory.

Fatal error:
Lo: 0.000000, Mid: 1.000000, Hi: 1.000000

Can somebody please advise me on how to overcome this issue?

Many thanks,


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