1. Le Capilano pont suspendu à Vancouver, Canada, elle la meilleure chose pour 
visiter la ville. Plus d'info ici<https://www.capbridge.com/>.

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // The Capilano 
suspension bridge in North Vancouver, Canada, is a must see when you're in the 

© Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
2. Carrick-a-Rede en Irlande du Nord est le premier pont construit il y a 400 
ans par des pécheurs de saumons.Il a été restauré depuis et est devenu un 
très prisé par les touristes. Plus d' info ici<http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk>.

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // Carrick-a-Rede in 
Northern Ireland was first built 400 years ago by fishermen to check on their 
salmon traps. It's been restored over the years and is now a popular tourist 
destination on the Northern Ireland coast.]

© National Trust
3. Highline179, à Reutte, Autriche, est sans doute le plus long pont suspendu 
du monde. Plus d' info ici<http://www.highline179.com/>.

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // Highline179, in 
Reutte, Austria, is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world.]

© Highline179
4. Le pont suspendu du Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park au Costa Rica, offre 
une incroyable vue sur la forêt et l'écosystème. Plus d'info ici.

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // The suspension 
bridges at the Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park in Costa Rica, offers 
incredible views of the surrounding rainforest and experience an ecosystem like 
no other.]

© Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park
5. Situé en bas d'un glacier, le Trift Bridge en suisse. Plus d'info 

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // Stare down into the 
brilliant blue glacier water as you walk across Trift Bridge in Switzerland.]

première photo par Alessandro Valerio / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 
2.0)<https://www.flickr.com/photos/n3m3sj/> | Seconde Photo par Andreina 
Schoeberlein / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 
6. Le pont du mont Titlis est le plus haut pont suspendu en Europe. Plus d' 
info ici<http://www.titlis.ch/en>.

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // The cliff walk 
across Mount Titlis is the highest suspension bridge in Europe.]

Photography by Takver / Flickr (CC BY-SA 
7. Ce pont vitré Shiniuzhai National Geological 
Park<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiniuzhai_National_Geological_Park> en 
chine centrale, permet contempler la forêt en dessous!

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // This glass bridge in 
the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park in central China, used to be made of 

Vous pouvez voir une vidéo du pont - 

8. Le Geierlay en Allemagne situé dans les montagnes Hunsruck . Plus d' info 

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // The Geierlay 
suspension bridge in Germany can be done on it's own or as part of a bigger 
hike through the Hunsruck mountains.]

© Germany Travel<http://www.germany.travel>
9. Le Drift Creek en Oregon. Plus d'info 

[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // The Drift Creek 
suspension bridge in Oregon is part of a beautiful hike along the Oregon coast.]

première photo par Erin Pass / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 
2.0)<https://www.flickr.com/photos/erin_pass/> | Seconde Photo par lpfearn / 
Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)<https://www.flickr.com/photos/42963699@N00/>
10. Le pont Storms River dans le  Tsitsikamma National Park, en Afrique du Sud, 
Vous emmène à 7 mètres au dessus d'une eau agitée de l'océan indien.
[10 Of The Most AMAZING Suspension Bridges In The World // Storms River 
suspension bridge in South Africa, keeps you only 7 meters above the turbulent 
waters that flows into the Indian Ocean.]



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