This is unexpected. Can you please log an issue to the grpc/grpc-web repo?

On Monday, July 1, 2019 at 10:40:36 AM UTC-7, Danz wrote:
> I began with the tutorial and 
> have been progressing nicely until a hard stop.
> For some reason, my client/server implementation appears to be limited to 
> about 7 server streaming rpc calls.
> For example;
> service status {
>   rpc StreamOne(OneRequest) returns (stream OneReply);
>   rpc StreamTwo(TwoRequest) returns (stream TwoReply);
>   rpc StreamThree(ThreeRequest) returns (stream ThreeReply);
>   rpc StreamFour(FourRequest) returns (stream FourReply);
>   rpc StreamFive(FiveRequest) returns (stream FiveReply);
>   rpc StreamSix(SixRequest) returns (stream SixReply);
>   rpc StreamSeven(SevenRequest) returns (stream SevenReply);
>   rpc StreamEight(EightRequest) returns (stream EightReply);
>   rpc StreamNine(NineRequest) returns (stream NineReply);
> }
> I can pick *any *7 rpc calls in *any *order from the above service and 
> they work great.
> No streaming is performed on any rpc after the 7th.
> I'm using proto3, grpc-web, nodejs, envoy proxy, ngnix...
> (:
> Please advise

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