On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 11:16 PM, shubham dubey <sdubey...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am shubham from India and would like to work
> on gRPC python project "Support static type-checking of both gRPC Python
> itself and of code that uses gRPC Python" for gsoc 2018.

Pleased to meet you!

Currently, I am thinking about getting familiar with the codebase.
> But, would like to listen few suggestions on how to proceed further and
> little more details about the idea.

For gRPC Python generally: there are currently a few "help wanted" Python
those might be the right place. Other questions that have occurred to me in
the recent past: why do our Cython files have that ".pxi" extension? Is
that idiomatic for Cython or are we doing something weird? How is our
coverage reporting supposed to work and why doesn't it?

For static analysis of gRPC Python in particular: what's the difference
between mypy <http://mypy-lang.org> and pytype
<https://github.com/google/pytype>? Are there ways in which the gRPC Python
API is shaped
<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/grpc-io/188HIgjCSes/3ON04L5DAgAJ> that might
not fit well into the current static typing offerings

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