Re: [grpc-io] how do I write tests for my gRPC server? (Python)

2018-12-12 Thread 'Eric Gribkoff' via
This was answered on Gitter earlier this week, but reposting my response here for anyone who finds this in the future: We don't have a stand-alone example of unit testing a gRPC service (yet - I > just filed grpc/grpc#17453 ). > The APIs documented at

[grpc-io] how do I write tests for my gRPC server? (Python)

2018-12-09 Thread avinash
Let's say I have a simple proto: service HelloService { rpc SayHello(HelloReq) returns (HelloResp) {}; } message HelloReq { string Name = 1; } message HelloResp { string Result = 1; } and my SayHello is implemented like: class