I just now updated to latest in trunk, then deleted the gub/i386-pc
folder and reinstalled with "grub-mknetdir --net-directory=/path/to"

At first the PXE-boot process breaks with
"Error message: File not found", because the i386-pc folder has perm
700 root:wheel. Only after chmod 755 does that error go away. But, the
grub boot process is now showing a new message when it fails:
error: Access violation \ Entering rescue mode... \ grub rescue>

I ran wireshark during grub-pxe to see where the process was failing.
Does the below finding mean anything?
90 7.084908000 (tftp root) (pxe client) TFTP 
63 Error Code, Code: Access violation, Message: Access violation 
Source File: //boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod
Opcode: Error Code (5)
Error code: Access violation (2)

ls -la i386-pc/normal.mod > -r--r--r-- 1 root  wheel
I wanted to make sure that file permission was not the reason so I
did "chmod -R 777 i386-pc". This gave the same violation error.

Also, why does grub-mknetdir create a 700 folder? Is the folder user
supposed to be _dhcp or some other daemon?


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