
I’m on a SLES11 SP3 system and using ‘zypper’ to get updates.
But the updates never arrive. When I point my web browser at the URL, there are 
new packages that ‘zypper lu’ does not see.

The URL I’m using is

I have installed:

I see in the repos:
globus-gridftp-server-progs-7.26-1.x86_64.rpm   23-Jun-2015 09:55       93K

# zypper ref -f
Forcing raw metadata refresh
Retrieving repository 'Globus Toolkit 6 (sles11)' metadata [|]
Signature verification failed for file 'content' from repository 'Globus 
Toolkit 6 (sles11)'.
Warning: This might be caused by a malicious change in the file!
Continuing might be risky. Continue anyway? [yes/no] (no):

When you put new packages into the repo dir, you should run ‘createrepo’ and 
gpg sign the repomd.xml otherwise clients won’t see any updates.

Someone please fix this or otherwise help me?



Walter de Jong
| Systems expert | SURFsara | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam | T 020 800 
1300 | walter.dej...@surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl |

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