Hi there,
here is a short update.

I am still waiting for that the production company works on the 4 PCBs
in a panel according to my ideas. So there is no news from that experiment.

But I think I have found why there seems to be a problem with IrDA
and why WLAN/Bluetooth are not working.

The reason is that I can see under the microscope that the DM3730
is warped a little. There is one corner which shows more distance
above the PCB than the other corners.

And interestingly all control gpios for IrDA, WLAN and Bluetooth
are sitting in this corner. That fully explains why I can't use gpio
mode to enable WLAN or disable IrDA...

So it looks as if this IrDA/WLAN issue is not a different problem
but just a different symptom.

I will try tomorrow to heat up and solder this board again, using a
lot of flux in this area. Sometimes such a rework works. Sometimes
it does not. Depends on how the melted solder forms balls and the
surface tension...


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