I'm having trouble with GtkButtons.  They should (and usually do) size 
themselves to be 27 pixels high with my currently selected GNOME theme.  All of 
them are created using gtk_button_new_with_label.  The problem is that one 
particular button sizes itself to 42 pixels high instead of 27.

I assume that the embedded text box is trying to wrap to two lines.  I don't 
want that.  I tried the obvious, and it didn't work:

        GtkWidget* label_widget = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (gtk_button));
        assert (label_widget);
        GtkLabel* gtk_label = GTK_LABEL (label_widget);
        assert (gtk_label);
        gtk_label_set_line_wrap (gtk_label, FALSE);

The other bizarre thing is that it seems to have something to do with the init 
sequencing when showing the window.  If I create buttons with the same labels 
in a minimal test application (a modified version of the GTK table packing 
tutorial) all three buttons are sized to be 27 pixels high, even the one which 
in my real application context is sizing itself to 42.

Does anyone have any advice for how to resolve or even begin to debug this?

I also have a only second question related to this problem.  I'd previously 
asked for some information on themes, and got a partial answer:

>> The "Understanding Metacity Themes" GNOME library documentation doesn't
>> cover this aspect <snip - irrelevant>
> Not surprising,since metacity themes and gtk themes are unrelated.

Where are Gtk themes documented?  I'm referring to the user preferences that 
affect such things as button sizing, and how Gtk widgets actually retrieve and 
act on those preferences.  Looking around 
http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable the only instance of the word "Theme" 
has to do with icon themes.  Nothing at all (at least that I can find) 
pertaining to how widget sizing is affected by GNOME Appearance Preferences 


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