Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Liam R E Quin
On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 15:42 -1000, Roger Davis wrote:
>  I'm thinking that my better strategy at 
> this point is to just #ifdef my app code to specifically request DejaVu 
> Sans on the Mac, rather than having to tweak these fontconfig files on 
> each Mac in addition to hand-installing DejaVu.

Or request it everywhere.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Davis

Thanks for all the followup, Liam & Michael!

By default I believe the mac changes antialiasing and hinting strategies
(is this 16pt or 16px?)

I'm using the simple Cairo text drawing functions here. Size is being set 
as Cairo user space units, which should be just pixels as I'm using the 
unmodified coordinate space.

Thanks to both of you for pointing out all of the config stuff in 
/etc/fonts (/opt/local/etc/fonts on MacOS with MacPorts). I believe I have

found the config file there which is aliasing Sans to the Vera font.
In 60-latin.conf:



Bitstream Vera Sans
DejaVu Sans

Looks like a list of fonts that are aliased as substitutes for sans-serif, 
with Vera at the top of the list. I suspect if I re-ordered the list I 
could get things the way I wanted. I'm thinking that my better strategy at 
this point is to just #ifdef my app code to specifically request DejaVu 
Sans on the Mac, rather than having to tweak these fontconfig files on 
each Mac in addition to hand-installing DejaVu.

Anyway, you guys have given me plenty of things to look into, thanks very 

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Liam R E Quin
On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 09:58 -1000, Roger Davis wrote:
>  when I 
> downsize my font display to smaller sizes (anything 16 or below), the font 
> weight appears to make a dramatic shift from Book to ExtraLight.

By default I believe the mac changes antialiasing and hinting strategies
(is this 16pt or 16px?)

> Second, at some point during my fiddling around this morning, the 
> following files magically appeared in /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF:
> % ls -l fo*
> 120 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  57364 Oct 21 06:52 fonts.dir
>8 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1962 Oct 21 06:51 fonts.list
> 120 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  57364 Oct 21 06:51 fonts.scale
mkfontscale does this (and/or mkfontdir)

The files are being ignored in practice by gtk. They are for legacy
applications that still use X-native font machinery, and are read by the
X server and by the X font server, if it's in use. It shouldn't be.

> Finally, I did some experimenting with removing ttf files from 
> /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF. I found that if I got rid of the Vera*ttf files, 
> then this happened:

> % fc-match yuk-yuk
> Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"

Yes, there's a fallback defined in one of he fonts.conf files.

> I suppose what I would like to do on my Mac is have it use DejaVu Sans to 
> satisfy a Sans request (because DejaVu has the UTF-8 characters I need and 
> Vera does not)

The pango renderer will try to substitute glyphs from other fonts as
needed, so this shouldn't be a problem. It's possible that some other
gtk+ back end doesn't do this.

You can edit the fonts.conf files to change the default font.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Michael Torrie
On 10/21/2012 01:58 PM, Roger Davis wrote:
> % fc-match Sans
> DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"
> And if I put them back, things are restored as before:
> % fc-match Sans
> Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"
> Can anyone explain how this works? Is there some complicated font 
> parameter examination taking place here, or is it as simple, at least in 
> some cases, as a single defined fallback font for everything when a 
> specified font cannot be located? Curiously, this test returns the same 
> fallback font:
> % fc-match yuk-yuk
> Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"
> I suppose what I would like to do on my Mac is have it use DejaVu Sans to 
> satisfy a Sans request (because DejaVu has the UTF-8 characters I need and 
> Vera does not), but without having to delete the Vera fonts from my 
> system, which might break God-knows-what-all. Is there a way to do this?

All of this is specified in the fontconfig configs.  On linux, this is
normally in /etc/fonts/conf*.  I don't know where they are on macports,
but probably in a similar path, maybe /opt/etc/fonts.  These config
files specify the logic fontconfig should use in searching for a font
which is rendered via freetype.  Substitutions and fallback fonts are
all specified here.  This way if someone just requests "sans" or
"roman," they get a suitable font, if installed, or the fallback font.
Also fontconfig specifies what to do at smaller font sizes, how to do
hinting, etc.  It's possible that the hinting is changing as the font
get smaller.  Maybe on macports they default to having more and more
hinting at smaller sizes for legibility, whereas on CentOS they don't
turn on as much hinting (I turn it off completely on my Fedora machines).
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Davis

Hi all,

OK, I've made some progress based on everyone's suggestions, and focused 
my questions a bit more, I think.

Copying the Deja*.ttf files into /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF *did* make a 
difference, and they are now seen by my apps, but this fact was 
momentarily obscured by one of my remaining problems, namely that when I 
downsize my font display to smaller sizes (anything 16 or below), the font 
weight appears to make a dramatic shift from Book to ExtraLight. This 
happens on the Mac but not on CentOS. Anyone know why this is happening 
and if there is a way to prevent it?

Second, at some point during my fiddling around this morning, the 
following files magically appeared in /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF:

% ls -l fo*
120 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  57364 Oct 21 06:52 fonts.dir
  8 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1962 Oct 21 06:51 fonts.list
120 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  57364 Oct 21 06:51 fonts.scale

I don't believe I did anything other than copy some ttf files into this 
directory and run fc-match and fc-list a few times. Does anyone know how 
these get created, and is their presence critical to anything, 
particularly any kind of font lookup procedure? It's quite possible that 
they were there before I started tweaking things, but their modification 
times have clearly been updated, and the fonts.list file now contains 
references to the new DejaVuSans fonts.

Finally, I did some experimenting with removing ttf files from 
/opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF. I found that if I got rid of the Vera*ttf files, 
then this happened:

% fc-match Sans
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"

And if I put them back, things are restored as before:

% fc-match Sans
Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"

Can anyone explain how this works? Is there some complicated font 
parameter examination taking place here, or is it as simple, at least in 
some cases, as a single defined fallback font for everything when a 
specified font cannot be located? Curiously, this test returns the same 
fallback font:

% fc-match yuk-yuk
Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"

I suppose what I would like to do on my Mac is have it use DejaVu Sans to 
satisfy a Sans request (because DejaVu has the UTF-8 characters I need and 
Vera does not), but without having to delete the Vera fonts from my 
system, which might break God-knows-what-all. Is there a way to do this?


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Davis

How would I (re)configure freetype to recognize new .ttf files that I have 
manually copied into /opt/X11/share/fonts?

Sorry, that should have been /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF, where I stuck all 
the DejaVu*.ttf files copied from my CentOS machine.

fc-list at least is able to find these now, but my own apps don't:

% fc-list | grep Deja
/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf: DejaVu 
Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed:style=Condensed Oblique,Oblique
/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf: DejaVu Sans 
Mono:style=Bold Oblique

/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf: DejaVu Sans:style=Book
... etc.

/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts is a symbolic link to /opt/X11/share/fonts.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Davis

Thanks, Michael.

My MacOS GTK+3 install is using the X11 backend, or so I assume given that 
when my apps appear they have a small X icon embedded into each window 
titlebar. You said that in this case font usage is controlled by freetype. 
How would I (re)configure freetype to recognize new .ttf files that I have 
manually copied into /opt/X11/share/fonts?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Davis

$ fc-match Sans
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"

Aargh, I'm stupid, Liam! Somehow I managed to skip over the key piece of 
information you supplied in your brief response. Here's what I get on my 

% fc-match Sans
Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"

Obviously this explains a lot. Looking around on the Mac I was able to 
'find' these:

% sudo find / -name '*Vera*' -print
... lots more Vera*.ttf files in /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF
... but also a bunch of other stuff here:

I suspect, but can't be sure, that the latter files were part of the MacOS 
install. The ttf files in /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF almost certainly 
came from either a MacPorts package install (which could have been either 
from the gtk3 package or any one of a number of X11-related packages) or 
from an XQuartz install (Mountain Lion no longer has integrated X11, you 
must install XQuartz separately), and I have no idea which.

Anyway, I tar'd up all the DejaVu*ttf files from /usr/share/fonts on my 
CentOS 6 machine and dumped them into /opt/X11/share/fonts on the Mac, but 
my app does not seem able to find them there, and fc-match still says that 
Sans is aliased to the Bitstream Vera font. It would seem that there is 
still some other piece of font lookup information that is missing. Any 
idea on what that might be?


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Michael Torrie
On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, Roger Davis wrote:
> Any explanation for these mysteries, or any pointers to some decent 
> documentation on Gnome 2/3 font configuration and installation?

If you are using Gtk+3 with the native/quartz backend, then the fonts it
uses are coming from the native OS X font system.  If you are using the
X11 backend, then the fonts come from where ever freetype is configured
to pull them from, which on OS X could be somewhere in the macports
install directory, and maybe from the OS X system font directory.  Most
fonts on OS X are *.otf, not *.ttf, which could be why you can't find
them with a search.

As for font rendering differences, if you are using the quartz backend,
then it's likely that the font rendering is being done by OS X and
quartz, not freetype.  So any differences are a result of their
algorithms (which do no font hinting whatsoever).
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 fonts

2012-10-21 Thread Roger Davis

Hi Liam,

Thanks for explaining the Sans alias. I was wondering about that, as 
looking around on my CentOS 6 system I was able to find most of the Gnome 
fonts in /usr/share/fonts (including the DejaVu fonts), but was not able 
to find the Sans font anywhere. Playing around with the gnome-terminal 
profiles font selection dialog, it appears that Sans is an alias for 
DejaVu Sans Book.

Digging a little deeper, I am noticing a number of bewildering differences 
between my CentOS 6 and Mac systems with regard to this font problem, 
however, and it's not at all clear why the differences exist, partly 
because (i) my CentOS system is basically a Gnome 2 environment to which I 
have added GTK+3 and related (i.e., up-to-date glib, cairo, etc.) 
libraries, and (ii) although I don't think that my Mac is similarly 
polluted with any Gnome 2 packages (as I only installed the MacPorts gtk3 
atop the base MacOS), it probably does not have anywhere close to a full 
set of Gnome fonts of any vintage.

I have a test drawing program (that calls the Cairo font selection and 
text drawing routines) which allows me to specify a font and fontsize and 
some arbitrary text. On CentOS, when I use DejaVu Sans and gradually 
decrement the size from about 24 down to 14, for instance, the rendered 
text all looks basically the same, just smaller as one would expect. 
Running the same test code on the Mac, however, when I move from 17 to 16 
using DejaVu Sans, the text actually changes markedly in appearance to 
something that looks more like DejaVu Sans ExtraLight at the smaller size. 
Also, a certain UTF-8 character ("\342\206\220", a left arrow) that 
renders just fine on CentOS with DejaVu Sans does not render at all on Mac 
OS, even at the larger font sizes which look more similar to the CentOS 
DejaVu Sans. (This character instead renders as a small boxed rectangle 
around a blank space, which I interpret to mean that the font does not 
support that particular UTF-8 value.)

Finally, I can't seem to locate the Gnome fonts anywhere on my Mac, 
although when I use my test program to draw with certain fonts (Courier 10 
Pitch, Nimbus Mono L) cairo seems to find something reasonable. Under 
CentOS they are in /usr/share/fonts (although this is probably their Gnome 
2 location, I have no idea where a full Gnome 3 installation would put 
them). On my Mac, however, I did a find (Unix shell command) search and 
the only DejaVu files I could locate were in 
which seem to be part of the OpenOffice package and not part of any 
installed Gnome fonts.

Any explanation for these mysteries, or any pointers to some decent 
documentation on Gnome 2/3 font configuration and installation?


On Sun, 21 Oct 2012, Liam R E Quin wrote:

On Sat, 2012-10-20 at 20:23 -1000, Roger Davis wrote:

Hi all,

I [...] am partial to the Sans font for various reasons.

On most linux systems this is actually an alias, not a font name.

Here, it's DejaVu Sans Book:

$ fc-match Sans
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"

so, add DejaVuSans.ttf to your Mac.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list